Custom drum shops


New member
i've tried searching the forum but there dosnt seem to be any traces of an article i was looking for. Im looking to see if there are any companies in singapore that make custom drums and/or do custome wraps...or if theres some1 here in singapore that does it.
Custom drums, I don't think there's any yet. That is, if you're thinking of things like those companies overseas where you can place orders and they send it to you. I think this is mainly because the start-up cost is really high, you'll need a workshop and expensive equipment, and it's probably harder to get the raw materials in Singapore.

However, there are Singaporean brands, if I remember right, Carlos is a Singaporean brand that does budget drums.

Also, there's people who DIY stuff for themselves. I've seen at least one member here who put together drums from parts ordered online. Me and Jeepers are also intending to do that.

Myner here hammers cymbals. You can ask him about that.

There's also refinishing. I've done dyes/lacquers, and rewrapping, using materials bought locally from hardware stores and so on. I've seen another member here do it with wood-print wallpaper, and I've heard of other people in Singapore who do it also.
yea im looking to do a custom wrap do u no if its possible to get it done here in singapore??
from what i know. no custom shops in singapore. yep. number of drummers too lill for their business to thrive. yep. you wan custom sizes you can find la. like the standard big few. DW pearl and peace. yea they will have. and as composers said. cymbal hammering myner. refinishing is him. YEP!