Colored Bass Strings


New member

any1 out there noe where 2 get colored bass strings?....... wat brands huh?..... n how much?........


I'm gonna rant here....

Wa lao, I bought Elixir strings for $67(5 string) cos they never bring in 4 string version :?
Wa. They guy told me, "Most People who buy Elixir Bass strings are of a certain standard. And we bring in only to demand. "

I interpet: "People who buy these strings are 5 string bassist who are probably more pro than a 4 string bassist like you"

I'm with an extra string. Gonna hold on to it till.... :(
Ya lor. Upon recommendation of fellow softies.
Actually, I dodnt like Swee Lee and Sinamex.
But Sinamex was along the way home, and I needed strings...
hahaah ... i hear davis the son in law of the old man not too frenly either ..

like father in law and son
sLapshock said:
anyone got lobang for good 4 string bass or not? good and cheap?

lol ... bro this is about strings not bass...

hmmz theres a dude on luther sellign an "82 fender MIM jazz bass"

seems dubious though
he's got pictures of the bass which i saw... it's beautiful with the one piece maple neck but it's horribly disfigured with all the stickers. sigh. i was quite keen about it until i saw the pictures.
afterdeath said:
hahahaha....... next time dun buy from them lor....... :wink:

mikeman, do u sell bass strings?.......


Heehee... my supplies very weak one lah.. only got Daddrio, aria, ernie ball stuff.
sLapshock said:
anyone got lobang for good 4 string bass or not? good and cheap?

TGM brand new ones at $240. Body is small, good for asian built player. Quality wise I feel has improve a lot since last time. These you can buy easy, just save little money can settle already.
iansoh said:
he's got pictures of the bass which i saw... it's beautiful with the one piece maple neck but it's horribly disfigured with all the stickers. sigh. i was quite keen about it until i saw the pictures.

me too .. got sceptical of it ... no fender decal summore no serial number
no fender decal because it's a replacement neck from, not fender.
serial number should be on the body isn't it?
ah ... i smell a rat. he told me its a fretboard replacement from allparts. not an entire neck. besides , the neck headstock shape looks weird, dosent look like modern day "fender" bass , me thinks its a 70s style headstock , big headstock. the part where the fender decal is supposed to be looks really really weird IMO