Circular picking


New member
Unknown to myself, i have been circular picking all these years, which explains why i get tensed at high speeds and resort to spastic wrist movement.

To those who do not know, circular picking is finger+thumb motion when alternate picking while keeping the wrist stiff instead of the conventional wrist movement while fingers and thumb stay stiff.

Well, it feels much more natural for me and its easier for me to control the dynamics of the notes. However, to maintain strong picking and increasing speed is really a difficult thing. And most proponents of alternate picking use wrist movement (e.g. Paul Gilbert).

I've been facing trouble trying to increase my riffing speed and stamina when using circular picking while maintaining a strong sound. Some sites say avoid motion from the finger+thumb. I want to know whether i should abandon circular picking and go with strict wrist movement, and persevere with circular picking, with perhaps the use of some wrist at high speeds.

Help please!