Chunk fest 2009 auditions


New member
We want you guys to perform for CHUNK FEST 2009!

Register Now

20 bands will be shortlisted for auditions this Saturday 22/08/09, 1-6 pm at Ben&Jerry's @ Cathay
- Judges will be Jack and Rai from EIC

10 bands will be shortlisted for the 2nd round held on Sunday 23/08/09 and cut to a final 5.

These 5 bands will perform for Chunk Fest 2009.
Last year's event had 8500 visitors and bands played to a rocking crowd. This year we aim to better that :)

Each band will also be given an opportunity to record one of their original songs for the "Chunk Tunes" CD.

The "CHUNK TUNES" CD will be released for sale at Ben & Jerry's Scoop shops island-wide. All proceeds will go back to the Musicians!!

Band Registration will be closed on Thursday 20/08/09 at 2359Hrs

1) Go to
2) Click the Really really Colourful Chunk Fest Logo
3) Click Chunk Tunes Premiere
4) Click to Submit Entry!

Songs must have the theme of either "Love", "Peace" or "Ice Cream"
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Guys! ive been hearing problems with registering due to the requirement of submitting an MP3.

My humblest apologies... Apparently website will not accept entries without,
1) MP3 of your original song - not exceeding 5MB in size.
2) Document file with lyrics of your song

However! if you really wanna show us what you got?
But do not have an mp3 to submit?

Email me at

Please provide:
Name & IC Numbers of all members.
Song name

I believe everyone should have a fair chance to audition.
Hey Rubelle, its gotta be an original song.

Just a rough idea will suffice for the mp3 track. Remember the song must be about either love, peace or ice cream!



Good NEWS!
Due to excellent response, We are extending the audition to Friday 2359 hrs
Hi Guys, all the shortlisted bands have been contacted.

See you guys at The Cathay (the one next to Plaza Sing)
Theres a stage and everything set up so please come at 1pm.

there will be the following equipment.

3xvocal mics
2xguitar amps
1xbass amp
1x"standby" keyboard
1xkeyboard stand.

See you guys!
I liked that We GANG band that did that song called KICKS
When they play again?

And who was the band that played before them?
I think Adam Tahir was drumming.
did they make it to the selected bands? will there be an announcement on the lineup? hahahha

They're playing this/ No mention of Ben and Gerry - although hippy-ish enough for them. And it says "irresistible". Hope not too much tye-die is involved:

Date/Time: Fri 11 Sep, 8pm
Venue: Crawlspace (behind Straits Records 766 North Bridge Road)
Tickets: $10 (incl of fresh Bandung drink. Limited edition of 5 litres)

"Enjoy a hype-free dose of the best original Indie in town with a great mix of four bands that are now emerging from the underground and quickly becoming crowd favourites with each gig they play. With their refreshing and melodic takes of classic rock n’ roll, alternative pop, bittersweet songwriting and punky bop, this is an irresistible line-up for all music fans. Featured acts include The Guilt, who are a local equivalent of a “Supergroup” and a brilliant new addition to the extended family of our national icons, Force Vomit; the critically-acclaimed British guitar-and-drums duo of Etc; the hotly-tipped and instantly catchy We GANG; plus the Daughtry-loving CloseApart, who once boasted Eunice Olsen in their line-up before she went on star in the TCS series, Red Thread. Forget about Electrico. The real sparks fly here!"