Chemistry Help


New member
Hopefully this is not too OT but anyway....
I FAILED CHEM and yeah thinking of getting some help here.
care to give some tips ? :D
read the textbook, no seriously

try to generate an interest for the subject, most of the time when a student fails a subject, its becoz he/she doesnt really have a REAL interest in the subject

try applying chemistry to your daily life, might spark an interest to find learn more
do what i do

tys extensively..

after u finish multiple choice go through (w/ urself or a teacher) what u got wrong

circle the questions

revise again

before exam do all the questions (esp the circled ones again) :D
Even if you hate TYS, you still have to do it. The alternative is failure :lol:

BUT, if you can do prelim papers you won't have problems for the actual o level paper.
if you're doing combined science (eg bio/chem, phy/chem) and you really don't know if you're going to do too well for chem, then focus a lot on your other sub. haha that's what I did, I'm an F9-er for chem :lol: but I love bio so I ended up with a B3 for combined science overall :)
If you're at the O level standard i think you can get those redspot guides at popular if they're still in print.. they have questions and then the points-to-note are in a coloumn by the side.. that thing saved my life for my humanities man.

TYS is also a must.. try to do the entire book at least twice before the exams proper.. its the only way to get the grades. unless you're a genius, in which case u wouldnt be asking for help..

my .02
jeremyrozario said:
read the textbook, no seriously

try to generate an interest for the subject, most of the time when a student fails a subject, its becoz he/she doesnt really have a REAL interest in the subject

try applying chemistry to your daily life, might spark an interest to find learn more

Doesn't work much in reality. The student is too stressed out or lazy..

just blast TYS like mad
if looking for tys pure chem and physics, i have them for sale.
buy one get the other free :lol: mint condition 10/10, used many times, selling it coz in need of cash. can be used as a paper weight too..
Blasting TYS like mad is useless unless you understand the concepts (for chemistry anyway)

What you need to do is sit down with your textbook and pick out the key concepts from each chapter. Then fill up the rest by memorising the key reactions.

An F9 to an A2 is possible. I did it.
You guys still have ten year series?!?!

Chemistry...chem is hard. Unless you really like lab lessons (which I totally did - blowing up test tubes, mixing colorful potions, sigh those were the days)

Physics blows lah

Bio is the best - u get to cut sheep/pig/whatever organs!!!!

back to the advice: it's easy once you master the TYS. Really. It's all just there.
^^ chem labs times are the pinnacle of sec sch life. one will nvr forget how ur hand got burnt by careless forgetting to turn off the bunsen burner, the pungent odour of conc. hydrocholric acid, wine-making in class :lol: ah the life.. 8)
make notes, write out keywords, do out the most impt points you've gotta remember. and yes, if at o lvl standard memorise all your QA stuff and electrolysis stuff also organic chem! ok basically almost all the major topics. then go through all your notes. and start on ur tys. skip the mcq qns, go straight to the section 2, go to sch or get ur tuition tcher to explain to u where u lost ur marks at. for students, most of the time its at the KEYWORDs, so learn to use the keywords. attack your weaker topics.
tts wad im doin. it helps ALOT really. from failed to pass! yay!