changing srings.


New member
i haven touch my electric for like 2 weeks and all my strings are rusting.. i am gonna change soon, but just wanna ask u guys whether is it recommendable to like remove all the strings and string or remove th strings one by one..
IMO it doesnt matter. personally i remove them all at the same time when i restring my guitar so i can clean up the fretboard.
well, on some guitars, cheaper ones especially, there have been horror stories of frets coming loose when there isnt any string tension :p
Imo, those stuff on the net that says taking off all the strings on your guitar will cause the neck to warp unrepairably due to lack of tension is not true.

I doubt guitars are strung up during the manufacturing process.

For ppl with t.o.m bridges, they normally leave 1 string in place to hold the bridge in place while they string up the others.
notice i didnt say warp...
but there have been cases of the some frets lifting up out of its place ever so slightly, so that when you string it back up...there will a buzz that wasnt there previously.
you can also ask guys who've done re-fretting, they would definitely have seen it happening before, but of cos since the neck is gonna be re-fretted like they care :p

I would recommend removing all the strings so that you can not only give your axe a new set of strings, you could also clean up the fretboard, polish up the frets somewhat, and even clean up the body neck etc along the way.

I recently did that for my telecaster (and polished up basically all of the hardware)... psychologically I felt like I was playing a brand new axe.
well if your using a floyd rose, it would be more advisable to restring one at a time. however, when i want to polish my frets and clean up the fretboard, i remove all the strings and sort of temporarily block the floating bridge.

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