Casual Band, Covering Japanese Songs LF: Guitarist, Keyboards/Synth, Vocals


New member
Casual band, looking to skill up and have fun!
- Currently 3 people: guitar, drums and bass
- Jamming on the weekend, currently Sundays for now but open to discussion.

Looking for:
- 2nd guitar to complement our current guitarist in either rhythm or lead
- Keyboardist with an interest or knowledge in synths/pads.
- Vocal both male and female are welcomed! (Will even be cool to have both!)

Currently jamming our first song:
"SCANDAL - Fuzzy"

In terms of genres/influences:
pop, rock, metal etc.

Some bands/artistes we like:
- Aimer
- Man with a Mission
- Asian Kungfu Generation
- One ok Rock
- Coldrain
- supercell
- zutomayo
- Yorushika
- Bang Dream / Bandori stuff

Interested? Whatsapp/Telegram me at: eight 1 3 9 six 7 0 3
Casual band, looking to skill up and have fun!
- Currently 3 people: guitar, drums and bass
- Jamming on the weekend, currently Sundays for now but open to discussion.

Looking for:
- 2nd guitar to complement our current guitarist in either rhythm or lead
- Keyboardist with an interest or knowledge in synths/pads.
- Vocal both male and female are welcomed! (Will even be cool to have both!)

Currently jamming our first song:
"SCANDAL - Fuzzy"

In terms of genres/influences:
pop, rock, metal etc.

Some bands/artistes we like:
- Aimer
- Man with a Mission
- Asian Kungfu Generation
- One ok Rock
- Coldrain
- supercell
- zutomayo
- Yorushika
- Bang Dream / Bandori stuff

Interested? Whatsapp/Telegram me at: eight 1 3 9 six 7 0 3


* Guitarist Found!
* Still looking for Keyboards, Vocals (Male / Female)
* Currently added a 2nd song to our jamming setlist. Asian Kungfu Generation - Haruka Kanata