can anybody introduce a good od pedal :)

Ibanez Tubescreamers are generally considered the industry standard in today's markets.

There are a wide range of nice OD pedals that fall within your range of 150 - 300.

I'd say with a max budget of 200, it would get you a reasonably good one.

1) Ibanez TS-9. Most people set the gain to zero, volume to just below max, and use it to boost Twin Reverbs and the like. Others set the gain to around 25%, and use it ALONG WITH their amps' distortion (i.e distortion of a JCM 800 or 6505+) to make things sound a bit sweeter.

2) Digitech Bad Monkey. Very cheap. I think it's below $150 brand new. Used in the same way as a tubescreamer, but with different tonal results.

3) Maxon OD-9. Competitor to the Ibanez TS-9. Maxon was the company that originally made the tubescreamers when they first came out. The OD-9 is essentially the tubescreamer that they manufactured and designed, just under a different name.

can i ask, how do you intend to use this OD pedal? what amp are you currently using, and what styles of music do you hope to play with it?
Stacking is another option, if you already have one/planning to get more than one.
Ibby's TS-808, secondhand maybe 200.
Lovepedal Eternity, you can get a secondhand or a clone. THen the Purple Plexi also.
Fulltone, OM Labs, AMT, Maxon, MI Audio, etc... Brands are easy to name.
But there are numerous brands that have pedals which fit your category. Most important is you must try with your gear.
By the way, Zvex is kinda outta your range unless you can bargain low secondhand. Or wait for sale.
PLEASE, and I mean PLEASE state what you require from the so-called OD pedal that you need and the gear that you are already using.

Without these necessary background information we can't give constructive feedback.