Blackstar Special Discount Codes


New member
The following items must move this week. We are offering special discounts to the lucky few to spot this.

KGYPYGXP8RRC $200.00 off of Blackstar HT-5th Anniversary

XMWY6CSK6LU3 $30.00 off of Blackstar ID: 30 TVP

KVILTOVEVOBD $50.00 off of Blackstar HT-20 Combo

2TL4EDAGNXP7 $50.00 off of Blackstar HT Metal 5H

UYI37YZYQ8BX $20.00 off of Blackstar HT Metal 112

I2MLW6SQWZJ6 $50.00 off of Blackstar HT 5 Head & HT112

Only at the Woodworkz Webstore