Black/Death Metal Musicians!

hey there Im Dev, 18 this year. Im an all round musician playing everything from lead guitars to bass to drums. My interest is wide from Black/Death/Thrash to rock n roll.
I wanna play bass because playing death/black had been a desire of mine.
I'm currently learning growl vocals as well.
I;d love to play for your band. I can jam once a week or maybe twice and gigs, no problem.
do reply me by sms 8399 8932.
Hey man, I'm not really looking into covering. Hoping to do originals and record. But the main genres are probably death and black metal. So yeah.

Looking for a drummer by the way.
I'm re-posting this from my other thread:

"I am an independent artist from the US seeking one or more Singaporean musicians to form a unique Black Metal project. My main musical influences for this project are from the ‘depressive black metal’ subgenre, groups like Xasthur, Leviathan and Abyssic Hate. Other influences include Burzum, Silencer, Ulver, Sunn O))), Nortt, and Lurker of Chalice.

I envision something completely dark, isolated, and deranged. I have musical experience and can write music and arrangements, play guitar and base, write lyrics and perform the vocals necessary for such a project. I am interested only in recording music, not playing live. I have not produced music in almost 7 years and I have lost the skills and competency to produce music on my own.

Ideally, I would like to meet a musician with a similar creative vision to partner with. The philosophy of the music I want to make is radically individualistic, utterly nihilistic: essentially an outlet for the darkest sides of the psyche. I hear walls of oppressive guitar, shrills of shattered glass and unorthodox piercing noise, unrelenting droning and truly demented vocals.

If you are the person I’m looking for, get in touch."