Bass Styles


New member
1) what are your bass styles? most people consider bass to be the rhythm section which supports + drives the band, what about you?

2) what are the influences that affect your playing style?

feel free to share everything about your style!
1) grooving with the band as a whole, giving a central beat and occasionally a driving force to the song. depending on the band line-up, i do prefer to leave basslines and give a driving melody/harmony to further support the band,

2) John Myung (his patterns, the way he follows portnoy's groove or j.petrucci's guitar or locks with rudess, and his sheer SPEED), Stu Hamm (his playing seems to suit joesatr's better than other bassists who have played with joe, and Stu simply has a wonderful tone on his bass, PLUS his playing style is amazing e.g. in "moonlight sonata 2-hand bass tapping" at a joe-sat gig, u can see him using his pinky to tap straight downwards and it looks like no sweat to him. he does seem to have some Victor Wooten influences! :lol: ), Billy Sheehan (for his out of the blue riffs that give punch).
1. The bass is an individual instrument which is very versatile, can be used as the instrument to hold down the groove of the song, and also as a virtuoso instrument. i prefer the latter although being the one controlling the rhythm is fun too as u are able to up the tempo, bring it down, groove around with your drummer etc.

2. influences : Billy Sheehan, Jaco Pastorius, Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Stefan Lessard, Michael Manring. oh ya, Dave Matthews Band as well
same here!!! most ppl don't value the role that bassists take on.they underestimate the role.....without the bass,will anything sound even remotely good?i don't think so.......
they think it so easy playing the bass yeah sure just playing the root note!but can they hold a rhythm ! NO! these people shd think twice about underestimating the bass!
hey ho....let`s go!!!!!!

well for me...playing in a progressive ska band.....the bass is very very very important!!!!it`s the groove,the life,the tempo.......not forgetting the thing that makes ur head nod on to it.....

my influences...are of coz Billy Sheehan/Flea/Matt Freeman.....but i`ve just discovered that P-Nut...311`s basisst is one hell of a bassist too!!!!
ahh... jus curiously, who's more "wow"ed by
1) Flea
2) Sheehan
3) Myung
4) Wooten
5) Pattitucci (sheet i think i spelled his name wrong)
wowed by wooten and flea. myung's style is too whacked out for me to understand and appreciate properly :/

you forgot marcus miller ;)
haha myung styles is whacked meh? i thinks its quite different but still understand-able! :D

oo hamm. i wanna get his solo album. anybody got it?

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