bass overdrives available


New member
hey there,

I am probably very very very uninformed on bass effects. can u guys tell me what overdrives are there for bass guitars. The only one i know off nand tested is the boss one. It didnt take my breath away and the price didnt really help for the sound i got.Dont worry about the price, just list to me the overdrives available and if they are any good and where i can find em. :)


actually, i was wondering

what are the main differences between a overdrive for bass and guitar?

the frequencies that come through?
woah, if price wasn't a problem and specific bass overdrive

T-rex bass juice
Fulltone mosfet Bass-drive

both avaliable @ ebenex 8)
actually, i was wondering

what are the main differences between a overdrive for bass and guitar?

the frequencies that come through?

main difference is probably the frequency range. there are overdrives retain enough lows to be used with bass. The OCD is a good example.

Thing is, it's usually the higher end pedals that have the range. If you are going to spend that amount, you are better off looking at bass specific overdrives.

If not, a you can always put the overdrive in the loop of the a blend pedal like the Barge Concepts VB-JR or Xotic X-Blender to mix in some of the clean bass.
hahahaha thanks guys,

and shinobi thanks for the link. If i googled it then i guess i prolly wldnt use the forums much.The article is really helpful tho.

i did try the boss pedal. messed arnd with it quite abit but wasnt that happy with the pedal on a whole


importantly, go try out any overdrive that's try-able and see if you like the sound.

your ears like, your pocket deep enough, then buy.
some people say that the loss of low end is more noticeable on bigger rigs. if you used a mere 10 inch combo, you probably wouldnt lose much bottom end because there wasn't much to begin with. unfortunately i don't get to use big rigs much. and my practice amp is a "mere 10 inch combo" :(

i like ehx effects in general because they are waay over the top. both in terms of the pedal itself and its effect

on a side note i am using a stereo electric mistress after my english muffn. the filter matrix mode of the SEM does wonders on a fuzz. lets just say it's killed my fuzz pedal GAS for the time being :lol:
I got my eyes on the mxr blow torch.sound sample seemed like what i wanted .all thats left to do is to try it. And Shinobi to get to what u discovered its takes quite abit of trial n error with the choosing of pedals? or u already knew abt it?


Hope this is not too late. But just for your consideration, you might want to try the Ibanez Phat-Hed PD-7. There can be a bit of noise in between playing pauses but it's not that noticeable I guess.

Ironically.. I use a Digitech Bad Monkey. I now use the Phat Hed as a booster of sorts.
generally anything requires trial and error.

always test, hear the sound, like then buy, don't like then try something else.

thanks for all the help guys, ignore the title gems i posted this in the wrong thread.ahahahahahah. now all thats left for to do is try try n save as much before i go n buy


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I got my eyes on the mxr blow torch.sound sample seemed like what i wanted .all thats left to do is to try it. And Shinobi to get to what u discovered its takes quite abit of trial n error with the choosing of pedals? or u already knew abt it?


like they say, there is no bad pedal (except pedals that smash into smithereens when u stomp on them). you can test a pedal and then buy it. but maybe one day you will decide that you want something different.

rather than deciding if a pedal is good or bad, you could take the sound of the effect at face value and think of ways you could find a use for it. experiment with your tones. and then at the end of the day you will end up with something that reflects your personality.

there is only 1 solution to GAS: buy ALL
thanks shinobi for the advice. One day one day it might be possible for me to buy all the pedals. but till then i'll have to try out one by one:( hopefully every month i can be pedal stronger, and by then end of 2589645986318529873985723985723957230 months i just might have collected all

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