bass-ing:how to improve proficiency on the instrument?


New member
hi SOFT bassists,

i just started learning the bass a week ago,switching from the keyboards (yes,as you have guessed,i switched due to demand :D). been practicing my scales and arpeggios since i got my guitar (due to tight budget,i could only afford an acoustic guitar...which i regret buying after a week XD).

i do have a little musical knowledge,given formal lessons on theory.i think i know how my bass line is supposed to sound like,but i have trouble executing it..any suggestions on how to improve my skills on the fretboard,like how do i train myself to recognize every fret..?

many people say that the best bassists play using their ear.

since you probably got the theory more or less down, there is one trick that you could use to help you execute scales etc;

the notes of different scales have certain 'shapes' when it is on a fretboard. if you can remember a scale as a shape on the fretboard, this will give you a kind of map that you can use to execute your scales.

this way you would be more familiar with the fretboard and eventually you will be able to feel and hear your way through it
thx for the reply!

i see...yea i noticed that all the intervals have the same distance between each note,like a perfect 4th is always d same fret on the next string,regardless of the key.which means every scale and modes of the scale will have the same pattern too,no matter the key..means i should keep working on my scales up and down the neck right?

how about recognizing notes on each fret?coz sometimes when i try to play basslines that span more than 2 octaves long,i can't seem to find the continuation on the lower parts of the frets (higher pitches).therefore its a dead end after i scaled up to the 4th string.

is there a practice method to pinpoint 'landmarks' on the fretboard,or will playing scales eventually get me there?

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Can use the dots to help ya. double dot is back to one cycle.

Also one useful way to remember is the octave shape.
e.g. The shape below is G and it's octave which is also a G.

Shift 2 frets up and you will get a A and it's octave also.

Usually people can remember the top 2 strings better (E A). So say if u r pressing at 9th fret on the G string and suddenly can't remember that note, just quickly look at the 7th fret on the A string and you will know it's a E note that you are fretting.

Pai sei if I confuse you.

grindstone method lor haha
everyday play and call out notes as you play. after a few weeks of that sure no problem.

but i prefer using my ear cos I am lazy lah :p so I will just play and play. improv etc. still learning this though.. slowly getting better (i hope!). so if you ask me which note I should play next I probably won't be able to name it for you, but I will be able to play it for you.
you can use the way the guitar is tuned to your advantage.

like ben said, at the 12th fret all the notes are the same as the open strings, just that its an octave higher.

you only have 4 or 5 strings, so when you reach your highest string and you need to go even higher, just shift 5 or 10 frets down the neck, you will effectively get more strings (lame ass analogy i know)

that is why people say that 4 strings is enough. more strings just helps you play chords, thats all. and we dont really need many chords in bass, if at all.

just play songs, get used to the fretboard. your hand-ear coordination will improve over time. you can play the bass very well without knowing much theory if you train your ear. you could even be playing scales without being aware of what scale you are playing.

since you got your theory down you should be a sick ass bass player with time
With a bit of practice and time you'll do just fine. Bass players converts from keyboards usually make the sickest bass players due to their training. I have a friend like you who just converted recently too .. he has all the grooves in his head but doesn't know how to put them to hand .. but i think over time he'll do just fine.

Take time to just run through your scales, once you are comfortable with them you'll be able to execute them smoothly and you'll figure out how to play what's in your head. =)
thx for all your inputs! and hearing that becoming a 'sick bassist' is possible definitely is motivating :D

i've been training my fretting and plucking technique the past few days, alongside scales. and also been trying grooves that jump around the fretboard..i find that with my current fingering on the scales, i'm pretty much limited to a 'box' of 4x4 frets my jurisdiction is currently set at an octave and a half.haha.

from everyone's replies, i guess i should just persevere and do what i'm currently doing. but first of all i think i should save up and get myself a proper bass guitar! haha

thx again, guys!
i dont have formal training on bass. i learnt the fret position by remembering the relative fret positions for 'do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do' so that i can play any song in any key. that way i get by (alittle) on scales.

in my mind, i transpose chords on keys with the relative do-re-mi.

for example a Major has notes structured triad tonic-mediant-dominant which i translate in my mind to do-mi-so thus with the correct root note i am able to play chords by relative fret position.

in short, it's nashville + chord formula which i memorize.
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I am discovering the power of scales when i was reminded of the stuff my sister used to do on the piano.... boring, repetitive, but oh so effective haha. it trains left hand/right hand speed/endurance/dexterity, plus left and right hand coordination. if you want can throw in ear training as well. but as an ex keyboardist I'm sure you already know this :)

Also, playing along with a metronome... particularly important since I am training my right hand 3 fingers rest stroke. tend to end up "galloping" when I don't want to.

so basically, get a metronome/software (guitarpro is fantastic)
and practice ur scales!

imo, i think this will greatly increase ur proficiency on the bass.
when running a bass line which extends beyond the current mode of scale you are in,do you guys switch scale modes and stay there, or do you guys prefer to just slide up and down the neck?

i'm currently having trouble getting to far away notes without getting lost when returning to my 'safe zone'.haha.
it depends on the requirements of the song. the purpose of playing a bass (or any instrument for that matter) is to create music. techniques are useless if they don't achieve that purpose.

i can't think of a reason why getting 'lost' would be a problem or even an issue unless you are doing solo improv. if it's as effective as it is flashy, then it would really be something. flashy and indulgent but redundant is not a good way of respecting the instrument and it's role in the band. just some things to think about.
the reason i'm asking that is because there are techniques which are superior to others. techniques that seem comfortable now may not be that way on higher levels of play. it might even hamper further development. i just fear creating bad habits in my style of play :)

anyway,my question is based on improvisational bass lines. i have the chord progression, i just need to run the line according to the feel and rhythm. now say i'm in the key of C, and i'm comfortably running my bass line in one of the modes:

|--|A |--|B |C |
|--|E |F |--|G |
|--|--|C |--|D |
|--|--|--|--|--| Scale mode 1 (safe zone)

and then, i need to run it up to a higher E:
|--|A |--|B |C |--|D |--|E |
|--|E |F |--|G |
|--|--|C |--|D |

which then requires me to return to lower notes after its done. in this case,should i return back to scale mode 1 (safe zone)? or should i shift the whole mode (in preparation for another repeat verse):
|--|--|--|--|--|--|D |--|E |--|
|--|--|--|--|--|--|A |--|B |C |
|--|--|--|--|--|--|E |F |--|G |
|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|C |--|D |

following instinct, i would just return to my 'safe zone',since my fingers are well adapted to that mode. haha.
I would think this is dependant on what you are playing AFTER this... if no difference then i'll just go back to what ever is more natural..