Bass Amp Recommendations =)


New member
hey softies .

i need recommendations from you guys out there on bass amps .
i been wanting to get a new bass amp . because of my old cheapo one failing on me .
i'm looking for 100watt ones . solid state / tube either will do . flood me with recommendations . =)
Hartke B combo, has a lot of high frequency response i think.

Kustom KBA combo, the 100watts one uses the deep end amp head which has a lot of low end

Marshall B150, nt sure how good is it though, never really went tat deep into marshall stuff

Crate combo, has built in distortion

Roland Cube Bass, tones of effects

Laney RB series, although they're lyk 300watts

and many more. lol.

what's ur budget btw?
and are you looking for combo or head with cab?
My suggestion is the Eden Nemesis Series combos. Price range is about $400 - $500 if I remember correctly. You can check them out at Davis.
Laney RB3

im currently using the Laney RB3.. got it at sweelee sale.. at about 300-400.. defenately worth the price.. gives a very nice rich and full sound despite me using a starter bass bet bass.. i will recommend it..
i don't really like laney amps

you can check out the hartkes though, do they have hydrive combos? i didn't check

SWR has a really sweet tone, it's a good amp brand but in recent times people seem to be disliking it for whatever reason
Ampeg's BA115 Combo Amp is a decent one with a 15inch Speaker with Piezo Tweeter & Tilt-back design
The settings are pretty easy to play with.
Active/Passive Inputs. -15DB / 0DB
2.Master Volume
3.Three EQs [Bass,Mid,Treble]
4.Style Control
Also there is a LINE OUT to DI.