Basic Audio Fuzzes (Order Update)


New member
Hi all,

I have been planning a bulk order from Basic Audio Effects. There has been some response and I hope to get more orders soon.

This is a link to my original post:

An update to all:

A few have asked for more details. We are being offered a 25% discount off the pedals. (So after discount, that's 150USD for the Scarab Deluxe, instead of 200USD. We're getting a great deal really.)

We will then share the combined shipping cost. Which will cost roughly around 50-60USD for 5-6 pedals(Quoted by John Lyons).

For more information, visit the official Basic Audio website:

The current confirmed order stands at:

3 Scarab Deluxe
1 Tri-Ram

Do SMS/Whatsapp me at 96two5 nine7eight8 if you need more information or are looking to place an order, and we will be able to plan from there.

Thanks for reading.