Back-picking a note on an electric guitar & back-strumming a power chord


New member
Does back-picking a note on an electric guitar gives you the same sound and note as picking it forward? And what about back-strumming a power chord?
how about you try and decide for yourself my friend =)
you'll unfortunately get both answers here for the first one.
Strumming backwards for powerchords might be different, might be not? personal preference xD
the sound is generally the same for a single note, but chords would sound "reversed"... but if the repetitions are very fast then they would sound the same
the sound is generally the same for a single note, but chords would sound "reversed"... but if the repetitions are very fast then they would sound the same

Thanks for the answer!!!
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I guess the rest pretty much answered your questions.

I will add to whatever is said here that if you're particular about consistency, then you should take note to ensure your down-picking and up-picking of the same note (assuming the note is played at the same fret and string) sounds the same when you are practicing.

Most beginners have difficulty mastering this because of the different energy exerted in the down and up picking stroke movements.

One little trick I use is to put my electric guitar in the clean tone, i.e. no effects whatsoever, and practice alternate picking* on the same string with a same note and listen for the kind of volume and tone my picking produces. They should be the same.

*Alternate picking refers to the consistent usage of down and up action of picking, e.g. down-up-down-up-downup-down-up... (okay, you get the idea).

You may want to do this for all the open strings. This is a good exercise to train your hearing and your picking hand's muscle memory for consistency.

Hope this is useful to you, cob2012.

Does back-picking a note on an electric guitar gives you the same sound and note as picking it forward? And what about back-strumming a power chord?

Low Han Yew (Peter)