Artists oppose anti piracy - Any concurring reports?

It is really up to the individual artists. If they can afford do everything by themselves and not need the help from record companies, just go DIY.

They really can't expect the record company to do the work and not get paid.
i reckon those record companies are rather short-sighted if they want to stomp out downloading altogether. :l they will lose a lot of $$$ in the long, long run. just imo.
Quote from the article
The people who share music are dedicated music fans who actually buy more music than their non-pirating friends.

I have a hard time believing that actually. Would like to see any proof for this claim....
^ I also agree with EngelFaeuste. I download albums to sample. Good ones that I like, I buy the original CD. Bad ones, thrown out forever and ever amen
Well, maybe it's because I know people which have a mp3 library with hundreds of GB but haven't bought one single CD in the past years. I for myself used to have a lot of CDs but since I have an iPOD I prefer to have paid downloads. The same with PC Games where I mainly use Steam meanwhile.
Assuming everything is the same, i.e. CD album output, quality of music, number of music listeners, the drop in music CD sales can only be because of users 'sampling' music instead of buying them.

Yes, sales of digital downloads is increasing but not in proportion to the decline of CD sales.

There is really not much the record company can do to save the situation. Unless the physical CD can cure H1N1.
Make use of "Sampling" to increase awareness and marketing.

Earn your revenue by increasing the number of people who turn up at your performances =)
Who would want their business to loose millions of dollars due to a bunch of fans?

I personally think we were better off in the old days where CDs reigned supreme. I buy CDs not just to support the artist but also to collect, hard drive can crash, CD cannot. Comp can kenna virus, CD cannot.
I personally think we were better off in the old days where CDs reigned supreme. I buy CDs not just to support the artist but also to collect, hard drive can crash, CD cannot. Comp can kenna virus, CD cannot.

I have a stack of CDs but all went mouldy and can't play properly anymore zzzzzz
i download leaks of upcoming albums to decide whether to buy or not. and if i do like what i hear i tend to order both the normal edition of the cd and the special editions, if there are any.

haha. i am a collector :p
i don't know why pple get a kick out of listening to digital music.
I feel tt CD quality is much better.
i stand corrected though.
Now I think I ought to conduct a survey on which genre is pirated the most, one thing I notice is that metalheads really support their artists and are willing to pay for merch/CDs
I don't get whats the big deal. If we download their music. their just going to downgrade their 5 star learjet to a 5 star learjet without a blu ray player on their 40" plasma tv innit ?

anyway its not about the money, its about the music u share.
anyway its not about the money, its about the music u share.

yea we all are sticking by our roots in being true to the music that we share, but don't you think it's unfair for the full-time musicians who wants to make a living out of their music that they share with the people?

they should be given a little more credit for their passion apart from claps and cheers..

and i agree so much about Joe Lynn Turner's ideals.. A way to make a living out of being a musician = touring and lots of touring.. artistes can't rely on the sales of their CDs because piracy is bound to happen..
it has been pretty known that for bands tie to major label, their income, largely came from touring. Cd sales prolly contribute a small part of it, depending on the contractual obligations with the big company.

unless theres banning of internet access to users who dl stuff illegally, if not, theres prolly no way to stop it. Its a double edge sword. WIth the advancement of tech, music can get out more to people in faster way, in legal ways and illegally. We can be passionate to the medium whereby we listen to the music, but in general, we could just be the minority compared to people who started music in the age of mp3 players, internet and so on.

i am pro download legal and illegally, buying band cd and merch at shows if there is, buying tickets to watch live gigs etc. In one form of another, i will pay and much willing to pay. But definitely its not for the grand reason of what the media tell me or want me to think. Support artist?? Heh, Yeah, i guess the most immediate gratification, shops where i buy the music should thank me for contributing part of the earning and profit they made.
it seems that people buy CDs off the shelves simply out of sympathy rather than actually acquiring the good personal consumption .

Perhaps this can be seen as a market failure?

wouldnt it be sad and very wrong if label , musicians have to depend on this "sympathy" money survive
I for myself used to have a lot of CDs but since I have an iPOD I prefer to have paid downloads. The same with PC Games where I mainly use Steam meanwhile.

I for one would love to buy tracks online... but iTunes has no local store... Where do you buy your music from? Games can be bought from Steam? All publishers? or only limited to a few?