thanks for the tip, Roland. here's the plain text online version:

touring is definitely not easy. i used to think that it was quite easy-peasy - just set up the shows, get the airfare, accoms and gear sorted, and we're off on an all-expenses-paid holiday! little did i know how tough life is on the road. nevermind the tremendous cost involved, the sometimes-dodgy gigs that seem ok on the surface... its dead tiring, playing show after show. i remember one time i was in chiang mai, i played 3 times in 48 hrs. my fingers felt like they were going to fall off! another time i did a 3-week tour of australia. what really did me in was fatigue - playing practically the same songs over and over - and homesickness, surprisingly.

its good fun, but it certainly isn't easy. after my few touring experiences, i have so much more respect for bands that stay on the road for months at a time. kudos to them.
super agreeable. even you make it there and start an act, its still 100% expense or at least close... but just give it all, even though it might be financially very tough. anyone with the confidence, get out thr and make singapore proud :D
i hear you bros ...

I'm playin 5 ngts a wek now and my fingers hurt like dammmm very true

After the 4'th or 5'th date, the body feels like falling apart big time and that's the point where the tiredness seeps in the maximum..and of course that's just the tip of the iceberg.

But I guess touring does inculcate a general level of discipline..You know that when you have a show to do and people out there have paid a ticket to watch..there is no excuse to fall off the wagon. And that also includes to an unfortunate extent not getting too drunk.hahaha.

From personal experience I think one of the most challenging things about touring is waiting for your band's slot to perform. After the soundcheck is done, the sitting around can be very tiring as well..Of course, sometimes if we are lucky, we do get an opportunity to head back to the hotel for some shuteye.But that's pretty rare.

Above all it's very very important to get a good promoter/organizer to make the band feel as comfy as possible on the road..
Thanks for the heads up Roland, and thanks for the site link milkmesto.
Good insights on the reality of touring for local bands.
Sounds like it would be lots of fun, but man, that's a shitload of money.
I think bands who are aiming to get their music out there and make a living out of it should take the route that astroninja did, it's cheaper and it's way more effective, but it's lots of work i'm guessing.
Another good start is to tour south east asia first ...then consider the rest of the world!

...David Sparkle played a few shows in Philippines as well...
