anything on Rutes and Brushes


New member
hey since reading tt so many people talk abt their diff drumsticks.
i thought of talking abt rutes n brushes too

i mean i play for church so ya i hav to mix between drumsticks n brushes.
so ya. haven't really gotten my own rutes. but intend to do it soon. mayb getting it frm nigels.

wad u guys think? :wink:
oooh yah i love playing with those. i have the plastic rutes which aren't so gd sound wise but really durable. brush wise i think i wanna get one tht can't retract cause i noticed the ones tht dun feel alot better.

can u play brushes?
i love rutes/rods and have been using promark hot rods for years.

they're pretty good substitutes for sticks and practice pad and i can practice on chairs, on the floor, anywhere!

got a few pairs of vic firth rutes in varying sizes and thickness recently too
I have a pair of Promark rods. Great for acoustic gigs and practise just about anywhere :D
On brushes, I have tried 3 different brands:

1) Promark
2) Vic Firth
3) Regal Tip

Regal Tip gives the best balance, feel and sound compared to the other brands and also stays in shape the longest.

I had bad experience with Promark brushes. The retractor fails on me after about 3 months of use and mind you I'm not using it everyday. It happens to me twice!

After that I went on to buy Vic Firth after seeing one of my heros, Peter Erksine, using Vic Firth brushes. Bought it and paly with it. I realised that it is too light and it takes more effort to play staccato notes, but it gives you a nice and smooth sweeping sound.

While using Vic Firth, I heard many great reviews of Regal Tip brushes. I went on to buy two types: the classic retractable and the wooden handle. Oh man! The classic retractable is the best that I have played with so far! Good balance, nice and easier to play staccato sounds and nice smooth sweeping sound :D I've been using the classice retractable brushes that I had neglected the wooden handle one. Will have to find sometime to play with it more in order to write a review of it.

On Rods, I have only used and are using Promark's. They are the original!
thanks for the review on brushes bebop!!

yah i got a pair of regal tips, the retractors, i must say i'm no longer gonna buy retractors, the wires get all messed up and it screws with the feel of it.
normal ones for me now.
any model u wld recommend, i'm gonna play like pop brush patterns as well as maybe some jazz and latin
i guess there r quite afew of us who play arnd with brushes haha!
i find tt brushes r a great use when playing soft music and ya mayb things lyk jazz swing n all

hope to get 1 soon any suggestions on wad to get?
eg.wad brand etc thick or think rutes

You are welcome :D Since you are looking for non-retractors, why don't you try the Regal Tip Clayton Cameron model? Seems like a great brush to me. But Regal Tip doesn't give any anlysis of its brushes on their website.


Try Regal Tip Classic model. It should work fine. I'm using it now.
I got the aluminium handle retractable one from Regal Tip. $24 from Weelee Studios.

still waiting for the day where i actually learn to use it =D

You can buy it at Wee lee Music. But can't remember how much is it.

Also, when I bought the brushes, they were tellng me that they might not bring in regal tip products once the stock runs out due to low market demand of this brand.

Hopefully it is not true. Better call before going down.


Buy the DVD and the book by Ed Thigpen, he is a master at brush playing, to learn how to play with brushes. I learnt how to play through his video (last time) and his book. I can't remember the title though. Esplanade library has a copy of his DVD for you to borrow.
clayton cameron DVD on brush playing also pretty good.

check em both out man... ed thigpen and cameron both :wink:
Yup, how can I forget Clayton Cameron!

Watched a video on Tony Bennett and there were clips of his concert which Clayton Cameron played. Fantastic brush work!

Have to get my hands on his video soon :D In fact, I bought his book but have no time to practice...
yah i've been doing abit of brush practice. i just learushes in a pop learnt how to play brushes in a pop setting. i've alwaysssss wanted to be able to do tht.
and i'm learning this bossa nova clave thing on the brushes as well.
man i'm into tht shit lately
yeah! after talking bout rutes n brushes i suddenly developed a major brush attack over the weekend 8O

i got myself a pair of vater wire tap sweeps and been sweeping past few days :lol:

even lugged my bronze snare kept the school back home for more sweeping !!!

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