Anyone into The Blackout?


New member
Recently knew of them through Lostprophets. I must say I'm impressed with their 2 albums..

Btw they're post hardcore, do check out their youtube videos :p
Any songs you recommend listening to?.

I dunno.. might not suit ppl who don't like emo lyrics.

You could try
The Beijing Cocktail
Fashion conscious suicide

My 2 fav songs, must listen everyday if not I'll feel weird! :(

Here's a list of them I'd recommend, except Tick Tock BOOM!!!




i like their song "rooftops", because it's catchy and it's jeff hardy's theme song!

That's by Lostprophets.. haha.. but the blackout is pretty close to lostprophets :-D
Don't worry. I'm more to the music than the lyrics.

Wow! That's a lot of songs. I'll have a listen and see whether I dig The Blackout. Thanks! ;)

Looks like you have the whole album + a few other songs.
you guys should also check out Kids In Glass Houses and Attack! Attack! Stu, bassist of Lostprophets, produced Attack! Attack!'s album. pretty sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! =D
it's out in HMV! =D

or you can take a listen to them on myspace. or download illegally. but no, support those guys and buy a copy. =)
to emochick: Kids In Glass Houses! I like them.
The thing I like bout UK band's is their accents.
Anyone into You Me At Six?
@porphyria! i LOVE KIGH. they're brilliant!

and yes biopromax, i saw it at HMV a couple of weeks ago. lol might've been sold out. hahaha but they're pretty awesome too! well, because Stu produced the album. i'm biased like that. but only because he told me to listen! =X

but no really, i like Attack! Attack! =D