Anyone into stuff like this?


New member

Been kinda crazy over vids like tht

any one like that here? i don't seem to find much fans of stuff like this here :confused:
Made an account just to reply to this thread :p

Yea, I'm a huge fan of Nico Nico Douga's videos and collab covers between J-Rock musicians on youtube. To be specific, the drummer (rojer) in the 2nd video is one of the three drummers that I highly admire and am trying to emulate in my playing style, the other two being Teto/ Prince Intel of Royal Straight Flush (Ozaku) and Toruru.

If anyone is interested in doing some collab covers of Hatsune Miku/K-ON!!/J-Pop songs in general, I'm interested :D
Just drop me a message, and we'll see what we can work out. Afaik, collaboration between two people entails
1. Each person recording their covers and sending it to the complier, who
2. then syncs the two covers together.

I'm a novice drummer myself, but I don't mind doing a collab with another drummer for any of the songs listed above, or a guitarist/vocalist/keyboardist/bassist. If we can get enough people together, we can probably produce one of those covers!

I can play any of the songs which are covered in my...covers, but I'm fine with learning new J-Pop/J-Rock songs too.

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