Any tips or necessary needs for a beginner bassist

Mai Suzuki

New member
Hey minna^^ Im a novice at bass though I can play songs using finger and pick but I'm still unsure about the tuning, pedals, chords etc. Some kind soul please enlighten me XD
Hi there! I suggest you take a look at the forum Talkbass as it contains alot of information and has many well informed and experienced posters.
Pedals are not essential although you may want to pick up a compressor, tuner or a fuzz if you really want to try out. Or just get a multi-fx to have them all!
It is best to learn from a teacher but if you do not have the means to do so, you can check out
what are you unsure of about tuning? some basics are
standard tuning- E A D G
Drop D Tuning - D A D G
D Standard - D G C F
Drop C Tuning- C G C F

What pedal are you looking for? the thing about pedal is this, if you dont know what type of sounds that you want, you will ended up selling your pedals, and you need to learn how to listen to the pedals, most pedal sounds great playing at the store or at your bedroom but ended up lost in a band mix.
I would suggest that you take some lessons. But try to find a teacher who is a bass player, not a guitarist who also teaches bass.
I am no good player.. but what a bass player need to adhere to in order to be good in a band ( or playing together with another person ) is to count count count in your heart ( or softly, anyway, nobody can hear, lah )..
When I play certain songs especially those which has long repetitive notes, I tend to get lost when the next bar or note came it. So I start to count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.. 2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc... something like that..
As for sounds, effects, really waste money. I buy I sell.. each time I lose some. End up back to square one - a multi effect same as what I got the first day... LOLX
Important is actually, in my short playing experience, to do a good quality recording of your band playing, then listen to it over and over again. Last time I thought deep bass sounds really cool ( I mean, bass guitar should sound bassy right ? )
Wrong.. actually Mid and Highs are as important. There is a free effect you can do, which is your tone knobs on your bass. Try figure the sounds out during play.. you will realize its also a very good and cheap ( free ) effect..