Any Garageband users?


New member
i have got me a macbook pro and i records my vocals using a Zoom H1 handy recorder.
i dun have issues transferring from h1 to Macbook but id like to use GB to enhance my song.
anyone knows how to manipulate gb?

i tried looking at the apple webby but there is nothing much there.

thanks in advance
What do you mean by manipulate Garageband? It's pretty straightforward and the easiest music editing software I've used. Create a new project, drag in whatever files you recorded on your H1, and then add effects like compression, filters to the track. There's even some presets for vocals like "male rock voice" or something like that (can't remember the exact names) to get you started.
Hi, I used to do music on garageband and now I'm on Logic Studio.
The idea of GarageBand, imo, is to help a new user to be cushioned from all the "hi-tech" stuffs a in professional DAW such as Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, etc. (especially Logic)

1. What can I use my GB for?
-> Tracking (or recording).
-> Basic mixing (vol, pans, use of basic eq, compressor, etc)
-> Usage/Creation of Loops
-> MIDI virtual instruments such as piano, drums, bass, synth pad, etc.
-> and more!

(When you "master" GB, you probably would wanna try out DAWs used by professional as GB don't allow much manipulation, but very good to help amateurs get their music out asap.)

2. How to use GB?
It depends.
Let's say you wanna arrange a full-band for your song:
You may want to
i) RECORD your various instruments on individual tracks. (one at a time OR multiple tracks at once)
ii) Read up on Compression, EQ, etc to enhance your individual tracks
iii)Adding effects but NOT too much: Delay, Reverbs, Chorus, etc.
iv)Prevent "RED" on your gain meters! You'll probably get unwanted artifacts and distortion. (means it'll sound like sh!t)
(this advice goes the same when you're recording. No RED pls! :) )
v) If you wanna use apple loops, you gotta make sure two things are there:
1. Your tempo. Set the BPM, then make sure you follow the metronome or drumtrack when you do tracking.
2. Your key. Make sure you set the KEY of the song before you begin with anything (just to be sure.)

There're a lot of stuffs we can tell you.
But the main thing is you gotta go EXPLORE, fiddle around it and START USING IT for your free-time projects before you can actually use it well. It's not that difficult, so all the best with it!
jeremyspk has covered pretty much all that needs to be said, I'd just like to highlight one thing without complicating the simple explanation and still detailed enough to get things done right :

when he says "red" means the recording volume/level should not exceed 0db, otherwise it'll "clip/distort/crackle".
"perhaps id like to maximize its potential usage.
would anyone be free to share it with me?"

If you need anymore help, just post here.
The main thing is, do start playing around with it first! :D
Experiment experiment experiment!

And trust me, you probably would not want to spend time "maximizing" its potential. Rather, I'll advice you to move on to Logic (similar gui, but much more versatile (and not to mention skill-needed)), when the time comes.
It's like you play computer car games. Auto moving on to Manual so u can drift better.. er.. yea.
I just do a project for garageband for education purpose. Actually garageband, it is enough to do demo quality. If mainly singing, the effect is enough. If you just need to build up demo for your vocal portfolio. I don't think you need more. You have compression, eq and reverb to play with. The plug-in are simple enough to dial in. There is also a master bus so that you could do mastering in very short time. There are still a number of user I know use garageband to do good quality music. You can buy/expand Audio Unit plug-in(like pitch correction) before you move to full pledge DAW. If you wanna use Logic in future, your garageband project can open in Logic too.
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Hi Eze,

Apart from all that's been mentioned, the one thing that was left out was automation.
You could write track/master track automation, even automate plugin parameters eg. sweep an Eq frequency...
Click the down-pointing arrow on the track or master track header.

The latest GB comes with free guitar amps and stompbox efx emulators too.

fyi, Nine Inch Nails have recored their stuff on GB before with great results.

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[/QUOTE]And trust me, you probably would not want to spend time "maximizing" its potential. Rather, I'll advice you to move on to Logic (similar gui, but much more versatile (and not to mention skill-needed)), when the time comes.
It's like you play computer car games. Auto moving on to Manual so u can drift better.. er.. yea.[/QUOTE]

lol spoken like a true logician. howda mate? congrats on your new setup!
Quantise to rhythm and flex time. This is some to look forward for Garageband 11. Shit my logic 8 look very old.
all i wanna do is sing.
record my vocals.
record my instruments.
gel them together.
i dun wan any powerful enhancements.
sadly i dun have final cut pro.
coz i wanna gel diff videos together as one as well....
but thanks for dropping by people.
i really appreciate the comments and suggestions
Sound like can be done in iLife. You need Garageband for live recording and iMovie to sequence your movie and your song together. This is what you can do when you don't need Oscar or Grammy Award.
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