alvinthedrummer's humble drumming ideas...

hi Alvin, nice video you have there, do you mind sharing what rudiment you using for the pattern? LLR LLR LLR LRL RRLR ?
Hi laughableinsanity,

Thanks! Will post more when I can (it's a crazy period now).

Also, forgot to mention, those videos were taken when I first started out learning heel-toe too! I strongly encourage all to try. I have been playing tap-slide for almost 15 years and took about 4-5 years to get it accurate on all subdivisions and dynamic levels. Heel toe took only about 2-3 months!!

Most importantly, it sounds different too. So, even if u are entirely comfy with tap-slide's speed, learn heel-toe for a different sound texture. I learnt pretty much most of it out there...heel toe, tap-slide, side to side, heel down...And they all give me different sounds and's useful for more dynamic playing.
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hmmm but for example me for instance, i tried to do heel-toe but my heel wasn't able to depress the pedal completely. like, my feet is too big. am I doing it wrong?
hmmm but for example me for instance, i tried to do heel-toe but my heel wasn't able to depress the pedal completely. like, my feet is too big. am I doing it wrong?

Yup, like Bruce mentioned, do experiment with seat-height. For feet larger than size 9, you will need to change the technique a little. Instead of playing the first stroke with your heel, play it with your entire foot. It differs between people but I would set my foot almost parallel to the floor and send my foot down with a leg stroke. Lift up the ball of your foot immediately after the first stroke so that the beater can swing back (very important). Grab the rebound of the pedal board with the ball of the stroke just like how you will when using the heel-down technique.

I'll try to make a video when I come back from my tour....hope this will do for now! All the best!
o_O what's tap-slide and how to do it? lol. i've been playing heels down all along till about maybe going 1 year ago that i start to do heel-toe. but i dunno if im doing it correctly, but the sound does come out, so yea. xD but seen a lot of drummers doing another style using the ball of their feet only and sort of like double stepping to produce the double bass sound. is that tap-slide?
nice vids! l like the metric modulation =)

Maybe I should Learn this lah ...but How To to lah ? - kekekekeke ! Those Paradiddle Groove Alvn Taught me - - I am still at the 1st SStage only....never Practice lah..

I guess Practicing is the Key (but I am really lazy nowadays) may be must take lesson back again ..( I am a very un-disclipine Drummer ) really.... sign.nnnnnnnnnn.
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