Active Mid Boost Unit


New member

Anyone know where i can get this above mentioned item?Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Davis sells the EMG Strat Presence Control. Its a 6dB on board mid booster.

I've got the Demeter Mid Boost on-board circuit that I've put into a pedalbox with true bypass.. 14dB of mid boost there.
Fender sell a standalone mid-boost unit. You can test it out by trying an Eric Clapton model as this is the same unit.

If u can get your hands on a Tyler guitar with mid-boost, then you would be trying the Demeter boost.

The sale of either can be found via a search online. Locally, I'm not sure of who might sell these.
I'll like to add... Fender's mid boost unit, the Eric Clapton mid boost, is a 25dB mid boost. :twisted: Overkill yes I think so.

Anyway, the Fender retails online for something close to what, 100 USD? The Demeter is 70USD and the EMG SPC, available here, is $60 SDG.

I might be wrong abt the prices though, best to do a check. ;)
ShredCow said:
Davis sells the EMG Strat Presence Control. Its a 6dB on board mid booster.

I've got the Demeter Mid Boost on-board circuit that I've put into a pedalbox with true bypass.. 14dB of mid boost there.

Thanks guys

Btw how much does the EMG and Demeter cost? Do they necessitate bodywork?
ShredCow said:
I'll like to add... Fender's mid boost unit, the Eric Clapton mid boost, is a 25dB mid boost. :twisted: Overkill yes I think so.

Anyway, the Fender retails online for something close to what, 100 USD? The Demeter is 70USD and the EMG SPC, available here, is $60 SDG.

I might be wrong abt the prices though, best to do a check. ;)

Did't catch your post on time. thanks
Ah.... All ACTIVE mid boost units need a battery. All of the 3 boost units take up some space, but the EMG SPC takes up something like a tone pot space, thats all. The Demeter and Fender take up somehting like a pot, plus their circuit board which is a 1 by 2 inch block.

So if you have space for a battery and the midboost, no routing is necessary.

What guitar do you have anyway?
ShredCow said:
Ah.... All ACTIVE mid boost units need a battery. All of the 3 boost units take up some space, but the EMG SPC takes up something like a tone pot space, thats all. The Demeter and Fender take up somehting like a pot, plus their circuit board which is a 1 by 2 inch block.

So if you have space for a battery and the midboost, no routing is necessary.

What guitar do you have anyway?

I've got 2 strats.One's a MIA 50th fender and the other is a simple SX strat with Lace gold/hotgold pickups and recently bought the Deluxe reverb amp during the swee lee sale.Since i managed to soup up the sx i thought hey i might as well go all the way.Where will the battery be placed in this case?
Man, I have no idea abt Fender guitars. If you can find space in the control cavity, then the battery will be there, otherwise, maybe you can put it in the Trem cavity? Shift the springs around so that a battery can fit in.

Anyway, I don't know nuts abt Fender... ;)

Btw, if you wanna hear how this mid boost thing sounds like in a pedal format, where you can place it after your efx... add me to msn, i'll play some stuff for you.
I think i may have found a possible solution. I plan on using the GE7 to boost the mid freq.Think it will have the same effect?
If you use a GE7, which is possible, you will have the choice of having this mid boost placed before/after your distortion and stuff... so its MUCH more versatile.

IMO, mid boost is very cool AFTER your distortion for a mighty thick lead tone and thats where my Demeter is now... :)

BUT... if you are using SINGLE COILS, then you might prefer the mid boost to be before ALL your effect so that you can get that peseudo humbucking tone.
thor666 said:
u could also check out the Tone X that comes with every Joe Perry LP Signature.

don't think can be found locally thou. And the cheapest I've seen online is 49USD. Not exactly worth it for such a simple circuit.

for 49USD you'll get a WAH circuit... and i think its worth it.

I've installed one before and yeah... its sounds like a wah pedal fixed to your guitar. Instant Santana if you're into this kinda sound.
hmm... well... to each his own eh? still have to consider shipping, routing a 9V battery, and u do wah via the tone knob.

or maybe it's just me... haha.

anyway, edder.. about the tone bleed mod... any comments on it? thanks in advance :wink:
well, my comments was on the cost value of a circuitboard + its misc parts + inductor etc. The circuit is almost exactly a crybaby circuit. How much is a metal pedal crybaby vs the barebones toneX? In USD without shipping, etc.

You'll need the same effort or even more if you want to rip out the huge circuit board from the wah pedal etc and do the necessary installation and pay more vs using the ToneX itself.

This is not an issue of each to his own. I don't even care about this kinda sound. Yeah its just you. :wink:

Oh sorry forgot to reply lah. Use a 80k ohm resistor in parallel with a 330pF capacitor. Wire this to the HOT and CENTER lugs.

OK guitar modders... you can use this info and charge SGD25 and claim that its the recipe from Bill Lawrence... bwahahahhaa.... I'm serious! Bill Lawrence gave us this recipe. :wink: :twisted: