300 bucks


New member
a friend of mine is looking for drum set which is around 300 bucks.
or should he save up and buy a new one later?€

choice and opinion please.

I think buy breaking tools and steal the drums from the drummer's house is the best lah.. hahahahaha

good thing i only have a snare drum and my cymbals are kept in a secret "vault" haha.. so no chance lah ah..


why break into someone house?
break into the shop la! can get more then a drum kit man. get a whole sudio to your house man!

really save up rather then buying?
save up man... 300 cant even get u a crappy carlos kit... or use the money to play 4d, strike first prize twice = dw, all a beginenr could ask for besides of course the cymbals

i dun think the break in idea very smart, i dun think u want to end ur drumming journey almost instantly by getting sent to changi... but if u can do it and get away with it kudos to u man
I can sell my RT to your friend....very nice sounding but at least S$450.00

Very nice offer. That is a great deal, considering the mint condition and all the pinstripes :smt038
marcdadrummer: dude..goin clubbin this sat??

anyone knows where marcdadrummer lives? please pm me!
weijin: are u free this saturday?
you know wat, marc is ryte......
for me, i buy all the tools i can buy wif 300bux...
and i will sure break into 2 houses....

first stop, RD's...
steal his RT.....

second stop, DH's
steal watever cymbals i can carry back home....

fantasy huh....
u can't still find my vault..... wahahahaha...

why break in my house?? nothing fruitful if u come here..

got DT house or something, he just bought a 18" de mk1 crash...

that thing costs more than my 2 sabian crashes conbine sia...!
dulltheater, if such a fantasy of urs can rly come tru, u might as well dream of robbing musician friend or music123 warehouse or sth...
haha! cool!

saturday? hmm? clubbing? where?

should be fine with me.

:lol: but guess what! i need to sneak in!

uh! offers! can show me the pics?

NO...first stop DH (take all the cymbals 1st)....cause if 1st stop is RD home - you sure mati - I have Hidden-Camera everywhere (inside & outside my home) the last time my neighbour kids pluck my plants kena caught on tape - I tell his mom - She deny saying no lah my boy don't do this kind of things one - I show her the tape - she say sorry - Kekekeke-you'll be caught even before you can make the 2nd attempt...Whahahahaha ! :lol:

take my advice - go DH home 1st - take as much Cymbals as you like (he won't know - cause he lost count as there are just too many Cymbals he had) - then sell those Cymbals - make the money - and then buy my RT....but I think you will buy a New Kit with the money

This way you're 100% safe....go boy.....Kekekeke
Haha... how many cymbals can one carry??? The other day after the drummers' meet up, Reuben was complaining the cymbals were heavy when he brought back for saft keeping... he nearly 'peng san' reaching home... :lol: