2nd Bass recommendations?

Normally when you start looking for a 2nd bass you would already know what you're looking out for. Just my opinion, but I'm feelin' you're GAS'ing more than playing.. :rolleyes: *shrug*
GAS = Gear/Gadget Acquisition Syndrome

addicted to buying gadgets (pedals, effects, etc) or gears (bass, more bass, more bass)
impulse buying = broke

i remembered when i first bought my mark hoppus bass... it was black. then i wanted the pink one and bought it second hand (coz they don't produce it anymore).

then i was broke for like a year... caused a huge dent in my wallet.

now i'm just saving up for the new mark hoppus bass with the reverse pickups.
i think so... just don't know how it'll sound like... good friend of mine said it would sound really good. and i'm taking his advice.
I'm not broke, just on a tight budget. And I'm not GAS'ing. Currently only having my Beta Aivin Bass amp (first amp) and Ashton AB900 (first bass guitar).
i think so... just don't know how it'll sound like... good friend of mine said it would sound really good. and i'm taking his advice.
If you mean what I'm thinking, then try this:
Grab one of your basses and noodle around, try playing closer to the neck than usual on your upper strings, and closer to the bridge than usual on your lower strings.

If this sounds phenomenally better to you, then the reverse pickups will sound "really good".
first ask yourself these questions:

1. What kind of tone do I want? (Marcus miller tone, jaco tone, flea tone, etc)

2. What kind of music do I play? (rock, metal, jazz, funk, reggae)

3. what kind of music do I want to play in the future?

then only then we can really help you with your question :D Cheers bro :D
and if all your answer is "I don't know" then I would suggest you to get an active Jazz bass.

for me an active jazz bass is the most versatile bass you can get. active so that you will have an on board pre-amp that you can play with and can get most the tones you need with out having to buy any other effect pedals.
1. I want something like Mark Hoppus or Johnny Christ tone
2. I play songs like punk/rock, pop/punk and metal
3. I want to play the kind of music mentioned in no. 2.
I know that a P pickup is for me but I dont know what are good real or good knock offs basses.
I saw a Fernandes Retrospect 4X on Fernandesguitars.com and its quite cool. Jazz body with P/J pickup. I just dont know where to get them.
The bass is really like nice. I never seen a p/j bass with jazz body before that.
you can start with a
SX P bass
Squire P Bass or
CityMusic Craftsman P bass

These are the Cheapest Decent Sounding P basses I know in singapore (Best Bang for your buck).

then later when you have to money try to get a Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder Pick ups. that should get you as close to mark hoppus sound with out spending too much.

you would also like to get Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky strings for it. I heard that is what he uses.

Jazz body and Neck doesn't really make much of a difference soundwise.
Hey cheesedaele, thanks for your help. those basses look really cool. Especially the pirate one. Its cool. Maybe I'm gonna paste red tape on the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th fret like one guy on youtube paste it. You know where I can find the pirate one in singapore?
First of all, accept that you have to raise your budget. You're not going to get any of these brand new for under $150. Even $200 might be a stretch. The Craftsman instruments are near the cheapest, and $200 is just enough for the most basic ones. A more realistic budget would be $300, probably more if you're being picky over such tight criteria, and also want to install aftermarket pickups.
actually... i don't really know why ziq wants a new bass... i was reading through the posts and realized that there wasn't a real reason posted by ziq.

to ziq,
if you can tell us the reason for you wanting a new bass, there may be cheaper alternatives besides buying a new bass. unless of course you say that your first bass has a broken neck or something.

if it is the tone, i thought perhaps a suitable effects pedal might be able to help you get closer to the tone that you want. and pedals are like reusable so in future when you're not so tight on your budget and want a fancier bass, you could still have a pedal to play around with the new bass.