26 Year Old Guitarist Looking for Pop/Rock/Blues Band

Hello everyone!

I'm a 26 year old guitarist with 8 years of playing, have gigged in university and external events over the past 4-5 years. I'm influenced by many genres including pop, rock, blues, funk, fusion and I would like to join a band to gig and write originals with!

PM me if you are interested! Thank you
Would you consider an acoustic duo? Female vocalist here interested in the same genres you mentioned. WhatsApp me 97329992
Hi I'm Shaqeel 13 year old guitarist I play blues and I'm looking for some people to jam if not form a band with.Interested?My WhatsApp is 91720123
Hi, are u still available. I'm looking for a guitarist to jam on 15th Nov. Contact me at 8108272. Abraham here