13 people in the band!


New member
Hi people! I'm Jordan from the band Pixel Apartment. Just want to share a song we played live with soft that we have successfully (more or less) played live with 13 people, featuring unconventional instruments in a rock band such as trumpets and a violin. Hope you enjoy it! Will keep you posted on where we are playing next!


I really enjoyed the stage that night.

Can check out the facebook page here:
Is 13 the result of a collaboration or you're a 13-piece outfit?

Gig organizers who make bands sell tix would love to get hold of your band.

Good stuff though, keep it up just be aware of pitching/tuning especially when you have the violin/s& backing vocals in a band cos it can be quite a b*tch& sometimes even the slightest offtune/key can be jarring.

Looking forward to more vids!
hi Kimura! thanks for the advice! this band is now officially 13 people, not a temporary collaboration.

Logistics is a pain man. Dunno if the pay to play gig organisers can provide 3 guitar amps? Haha.
very "canadianindierock" of you hehe
the video though, the drummer seems to be off at certain parts. it also seems to be rather messy with so many instruments, not sure if that's the sound quality of the video or what.
cool thing you have going, it can come across as gimmicky though. good luck!
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