Search results

  1. Greatfox

    where to get paiste cymbals in Singapore?

    Hey all, I'm a big fan of the Paiste 2002 range of cymbals but I'm having trouble finding them here, I looked up on the Paiste website which gives a dealer but they don't appear to have a shop which I can go and browse. Complicating this further is that I'm not in Singapore at the moment, so if...
  2. Greatfox

    Intro: Greatfox

    Hi, I'm Greatfox, I play the drums mainly and also a bit of guitar (saving up for a Jazz bass!). I spend my time half in Australia and half in Singapore, so I'm always on the search for another practice studio cause they always close down when I'm in oz! :p My main interest is 1980's Australian...
  3. Greatfox

    Music Garage at Bugis?

    Hi there, The time before last that I was in Singapore (I'm there half the time and half in Australia) I found the Music Garage practice studios in Bugis, and really liked them. Since then I haven't been able to get onto them, the place was closed last time I went there in person, and their...