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    Guqin tune 忆故人 (pinyin: yi gu ren) played on silk strings

    NB: If the video was truncated on the right-hand-side by a web advertisement, please kindly visit the webpage to see the un-truncated version. Thank you! Strapped my GoPro headcam onto my noggin and made this video...
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    古琴 Guqin tune 平沙落雁 Ping Sha Luo Yan (played with silk strings)

    古琴 Guqin tune 平沙落雁 Ping Sha Luo Yan (played with silk strings) Hi there, everyone! *smile* So sorry if my video was (sometimes) cropped off by Soft dot Com dot sg's advertisement on its right-hand-side. For a better view of this video, and more details about the score of this piece of guqin...
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    Esplanade event: Introduction to Guqin by John Thompson (29 SEP 2012, SAT, 2:00pm)

    Singapore Esplanade event: Introduction to Guqin by John Thompson My Guqin 古琴 teacher, Master John Thompson, would be giving a public talk in Singapore's Esplanade Theaters on the Bay. Details here: (click here to access Esplanade's webpage with the event details) DATE: 29 SEP 2012, SAT...
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    Free Gu Qin 古琴 research videos for your research papers

    Hello everybody I started a blog to document my lived experiences of learning to play the silk strings Guqin 古琴 in Singapore. Please visit my blog at to watch my videos and leave your comments. Please feel free to use my videos for your research papers. They...
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    Thousand year old Zen shakuhachi tune - Hifumi Hachigaeshi (1-2-3 returning the bowl)

    Hello there! I'm Shawn from Singapore. Here is a video showing me wearing a Japanese costume and playing a Zen shakuhachi flute tune from the 8th century: Here is what the score of a Zen tune looks like...
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    Japanese shakuhachi flute (A/r/tography as arts research methodology)

    Hi everyone This is Shawn from Singapore, playing a Japanese shakuhachi flute and musing about A/r/tography as arts research methodology Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year!
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    Any electric violin enthusiasts around?

    Howdy folks! I just bought a 5 string Yamaha SV-255 violin in the hopes that it would sound more like an acoustic violin right out of the box. Turns out, the tone of the SV255 sounds very electric just like my old SV150, but never mind. It's still good for playing Southern Fried Rock and Metal...
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    How to dial in vom-inducing sick Blackest Doom Metal Distortion tone on Violin

    Wanna play in a Black Metal band, but do not want to spend the time learning to play the guitar? Put your years of classical violin skills to good use! Find out from this video how to get the Blackest vom-inducing Doom Metal Distortion tone. Download free pdf fiddle tabs from...
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    Download Free Fiddle Tabs - Southern Fried Hard Rocking Blues tunes

    Download Free Fiddle Tabs - Southern Fried Hard Rocking Blues tunes from: (No registration required. Released under Creative Commons. Please feel free to distribute to friends and strangers. hahaha) Happy Fiddling! (-:
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    How to play Grindcore Metal on Violin (with Brutal metalcore drums + distortion)

    Hi kids If you are a classically trained teenager and wish to join a Grindcore metal band, but do not wish to learn or carry a heavy electric guitar to your gigs, you can now play it on your fiddle. haha. Anyone can do it. Even for beginners who are not classically trained (such as a newbie to...
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    My daughter Cathleen's nightly violin playing session

    Recently I have been recording my daughter during her nightly violin playing (notice I did not use the word "practice" haha) so that she can analyze her own performance from the video. For example, she can see from her own video that her elbow is not close to her body, and her bowing is not...
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    Thanks! Another satisfied happy City Music (fiddler) customer

    Thanks City Music! for your patience with a silly violin fiddler like me looking for distortion pedals. Most other shops I went to ignored me upon hearing the word "violin", but you listened to me and helped me through. I have since purchased a VOX ToneLab ST and a Line 6 Pod X3 Live from your...
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    My 4 year old daughter playing Happy Birthday song on violin

    My 4 year old daughter has been attending the Suzuki violin school in Crestar Jurong East since 3 years old. Here's a video clip of my 4 year old playing "Happy Birthday" song for my wife. She can now read simple notes written on a score sheet and play them. I wrote out the notes of the happy...
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    Heavy Thrash Metal riffs on 4 string violin

    Can a 4-string be used to chug low-down and heavy thrash metal riffs? What do you think? Hi everyone, I did a little experiment. hahaha. :mrgreen: Metal Rhythm Chug - with double bass bow (german style) Metal Rhythm Chug - strumming...
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    Chugging on 4-string Heavy Metal Violin

    Can a 4-string violin be used for chugging heavy metal? I have tried it. The answer can be seen here. LOL. hahaha. Metal Rhythm Chug - with double bass bow (german style) Metal Rhythm Chug - strumming