Recent content by anep

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    AFI - Decemberunderground

    AFI - Decemberunderground A Fire Inside's seventh album first and foremost, any AFI fans? the genre is kinda unique coz its a mix. the music from the previous albums are great imo. i've got all their previous albums, but sadly, i downloaded them. i'm hoping to get this album. is the album...
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    something wrong with the link at photo gallery

    i dunno if you guys realised it but the text link at the sidebar for the photo gallery is 'not correct'. this one --> From: link if you click the link, it'll open the photo gallery at the same place. dun quite know how to explain it tho. see for yourself.
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    using 4.5v adapter with 9v pedal

    i'm broke, so i did an experiment. what i want to know is that; will connecting a 4.5v adapter to a pedal which needs 9v input do any harm to the pedal? and, it is connected to the battery's input, not the usual adapter hole.
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    has anyone attempted jerryc's canon rock?

    i know the song has been discussed many times, but can anyone here play or has atleast attempted it? maybe you can post it here if u've recorded u'r playing. i'm currently learning to play it. i've got up to the 1.30 min point. it gets harder and harder with sweep picking. ermm, if possible...
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    loud amp question...

    if i turn up the volume of my 40watt amp placed on the floor, can the neighbours below hear the sound/noises? can the sound travel through the concrete floor? i just wanna make sure i'm not disturbing them. skali kana complain. 8O
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    i think theres a prob...

    mr soft? u awake? i cant seem to log in. whenever i've logged in, it keeps saying that i'm not. i checked the cookies, all enabled, still got prob. then i changed the time. moved it backwords. it worked. maybe got a time problem or sumthin due to new year :?:
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    Intro: anep

    i never had intro-ed myself proper here. well, i was bored. so here goes. i joined SOFT in october last year. was actually looking for electrico's site, but stumbled upon this great site instead. i'm 16. got an acoustic as a b'dae present in pri.6, but really went into playing just last year...
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    free jam solo. zombie-thecranberries cool stuff. very very long solo for zombie. you should check it out.
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    what you can do with sand, u'r fingers and a projector.

    i've got to share this with you guys. very cool stuff. *disclaimer* the video is abt 18megs. but its worth the wait.
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    what is this part on an acoustic guitar called?

    on acoustic guitars, at the slot for inserting the strings, this "thing" is used to secure it inside. what izzit called ar? i need to get them. 3 of em are broken. and, how much do they cost?
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    cool keyboard solo by rick wakeman

    you should check this out... really really cool... dunno if has anyone posted this yet...
  12. A

    bloggers unite... X)

    how many of you softies have a blog? juzz curious. i dunno where else to bloghop. if you have one, leave the link here aite. mine is
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    Do or Die can be downloaded from torentreactor. wtf?

    i was searching in google, typed "do or die ronin"... guess what i found. ronin, the full playlist i think, is up for download from there. i was like, wtf? so, what y'all think?
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    winamp and wmp dun mix

    nuttin much abt music here. juzz wanna advise not to haf both WMP and Winamp in u'r com. i dunno abt u guys but i got a shock just now. it might just be my computer, but this is what happened. i downloaded a video just now, and its in .avi format. i cant seem to play it. so i thought it must be...
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    wads the price of the cheapest acoustic guitar one can get?

    as the subject says... wads the price of the cheapest acoustic guitar one can get? and where? juzz a simple playable guitar, dats all.