Icelandic & Singapore music scenes - Why They Can and We Can't


New member
This is spawned off the Music Themed Films thread.

We were talking about films with a music theme. Then it got to this.....(sorry a bit long, but I've put some of it here in one place for your convenience. You are welcome :mrgreen:)....

Sage suggested this film about Iceland's music (we can all blame sage for starting this!) :
"Screaming Masterpiece"! Absolutely nuts about that one

So, I said:
If Iceland (population 300,000) can make so much music, what does it show Singapore?

And Pathe..Pate..Pathin...arrgh replied:
it shows we have a long way to go

but then we have singapore gaga and loads of other indie stuff waiting to be discovered from within and not look outside of singaland for inspirations. Imho

To which Danelectrico opined:
That if we were living in a place with sub zero degree temperature and ice floes and the occasional polar bear swimming over, maybe we'd be more creative and write elf songs about birthdays and motorcycles? No worries, things will start to look up when the next ice age comes around!

And RoRK naughtily chimed in with:
But Singapore has more guitar gawds than any other country on this planet. We should not let the lack of ice put us down. There is always mosquitoes and dengue to sing about. Lots of fines and all sorts of taxes. We just need to be more creative.

And the Pat fella laughed:
hahahah, no wonder we are not going anywhere. We need music producer and writer, not geetarer. Guitarer think in one point 5 dimension sometime, hard to make music. Wank har, can, anytime

And so the sage one spoke these words:
I think they've just got the whole package; respect in their musical cultures and traditions across generations, an insatiable amount of curious musicians, romanticism, an open-minded and art-loving community, a government that fully comprehends and supports the ideas and nature of these arts, gorgeous scenery that could inspire anyone walking past their neighbouring glaciers, and lots of alcohol to keep their bones (if not their minds) in a relatively warm enthusiasm about their lives.. and no one gives a brow over how eccentric you can be.

Complete freedom

And Danelectrico came back with:
What we have here is competition not inspiration. Guitarists are generally deadweights, i'll be the first to admit. Who can play what faster, cleaner, flashier, more impressively...whatever. I think it's all about ego. It's backasswards when your priorities in picking up a musical instrument are about about technique rather than creativity. Precision at the expense of inspiration just makes for dull art.

Anyway, creativity and inspiration here don't fly...due to numerous factors these have been boiled out of most of us like a piece of meat in a British restaurant.

A bit later I sang....
The Icelandic Rocker's Lament:
(especially popular in the winter months)

- The population is only 300,000 (and that's including the babies, under-7s, old people who can't see, hear and/or have money to buy concert tickets or CDs) - where's the market for our music?

- After all the essential services/occupations like teachers, soldiers, policemen, postmen, civil servants, pen pushers, mouse clickers, housekeepers, where are there enough people or talent for producers, gig organisers, and webmaster?

- The weather is too cold - I am too frozen to write songs.

- The national cuisine is singed sheep head and cured shark (I kid you not) - how can I find any inspiration from such "food" (term used very advisedly). And all of us are just too busy catching fish all the time.

- All the 299,999 persons look exactly like the 300,000th (me)! - where's the diversity/cosmopolitanism that London or LA have. We need more multiculturalism! It's this stupid government policy.

- The local language is so blah that Sigur Ros has to sing in gibberish! How to write good songs, you tell me.

- Nobody knows whether Iceland is a country, colony of Denmark, name of a planet in Star Wars Episode V, or a brand of bottled water. How do you even market our music to the world?

- I look around and all I see are ice-fields and geysers. It's too boring, man. I'm thinking of quiting all the time. If I have enough krona, I'm leaving this island for sure!

You do see now why Icelandic music is in such parlous state, don't you?
(please don't pm me; this is a rhetorical question)

To which Danelectrico responded with (after RoRK wanted to export Aedes mosquitoes):
but seriously. could one of the factors why small countries like Iceland (and to a less extreme extent, Ireland and Scotland etc) still produce music with some considerable impact on the international scope be because they are closer in proximity to the all important UK touring belt?

So, why Iceland with 300,000 can, and Singapore with 4 million cannot? Do we just like to whine? Discuss with examples (35 marks).
A good open end question since it's 35 marks..
A point to note, need to cross reference with a few sources..
This is a History question people..

But on a serious note, i think it has to do with the people's thinking..
Maybe Singapore write good music or have good bands but many may not know where Singapore is.. Whereas Iceland, people still might know that Ice-land is a place that exist.. It's a land with Ice.. Or maybe Fire-land, water-land etc.. But when we say Singapore, some may go 'huh?'..

So exposure goes a long way I guess..
It's just us.

Also have to weigh in a certain important factor called environment. In a less competitive society like what Iceland has, I suppose creativity can be better expressed and more people are exposed to all kinds of creativity because they do not have anything to inhibit them.

But the main problem is still... Us.
heh, dont like that leh, at the rate we are going, the amount we talk and write, might be enough lyrics to do a concept album bout singpore

i can contribute the sounds round my neighbourhood in cck and bukit panjang. Confirmed putting the heartland into music close to us, plus the words we have in here!

To quote my bro, rork, his nick that is, confirmed SIBEY RORK AH!
Iceland has a very rich culture with a long standing history rife with wars, disasters, famines and epidemics. They have a very liberal political system and people seems to be very happy over there in general, despite all that ice.. (wikipedia says they are ranked top according to the Human Development Index and 4th happiest country in the world)
Their people also possess a very cute accent! (compared to singlish anyway)

In contrast, Singapore occupies a relatively short space in the history books and while we do have a multi-cultured society, most people seems to be discontent with life in general and seems to be obsessed with money and striking 4D.

long way to go, but things are looking up!
what do you mean we can't? we just haven't got there yet.

what genre are you talking about?

actually we have isn't it? ex neighbour of our bro AgingYouth here JJ Lin has become popular, Stef Sun and Tanya Chua are darlings. Dick Lee?

are you talking about english genre? or creating a whole new genre? i think i've mentioned before about jamaica and reggae.
yeah we need a more specific definition of what 'can' means. maybe betsybug meant to specify making music that actually does well on the international circuits? Those artists you mention are only really popular in the mando pop world.
you're forgetting that mando-pop is 20% of the world population. i remember one of my christian frends who told me that he went to a mission trip to inner mongolia was surprised to see a jj lin poster and a pirated cd playing jj lin songs.

if international, latest one i can think of is wicked aura batacuda. very womad. think they went to melbourne to play.

if you're willing to expand our world beyond kopi tiam, beyond soft, then you'll be able to see betterer.

path bro: collective memories man. here's one:
Mando-pop and Malay music industries, me thinks we've got folks that already made it.

Engrish music here still has ways to go.


Marketing! The record companies invest more in mando-pop. Malay musicians move to Malaysia where the record companies there do the marketing.

If Taufik can sell 30K of his first CD then it goes to show that marketing and hype goes a long way towards establishing an artiste and creating interests that is sufficient enough to make people go out to buy the album.

Without the marketing and the hype, Taufik wouldn't have sold that many CDs.

Engrish music here doesn't get the moolahs to push through. Even then, me thinks our bands aren't good enough. BUTTTTTTT there is talent that can make it BUTTTTTTTTTTT they are split up amongst different bands.

And even if they were to somehow get together to form a band, they would still need a kickass producer. And then work hard to get themselves heard outside of Singapore, to the extent where record companies (locally or overseas) are willing to market them at a level sufficient enough to gain international exposure and recognition.

Can make it lah but for now, perhaps easier to get struck by lightning.
yes and that's only 20% of the world that's ever going to care about jj lin and his songs. who is this jj lin anyway

edit: and speaking of marketing, you don't need it to produce good music anyway. we're talking about stuff that can do well critically, not just commercially
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edit: and speaking of marketing, you don't need it to produce good music anyway. we're talking about stuff that can do well critically, not just commercially

Without marketing, what are the chances that anyone, of significance in world music, is going to hear your music? You're in Singapore dude.

In the US, critically acclaimed artistes such as Rickie Lee Jones can win Grammys without selling millions of records. BUTTTTTT that's because she's got a well-known producer and she gets some of the industry's best sessionists to play on her records.

First and foremost - get a great band going, one that writes great songs and one where at least one of the band members have a great personality.

Then, market the band and album like there is no tomorrow or yesterday.

Then pray to God that lightning doesn't strike you before you make it big.
yes, those are steps to 'make it big', so to speak... but being just content to make music that can paint stories and share and evoke feelings is something else.

Firstly, I don't think it's even fair to compare between the music scenes in Iceland and Singapore. It's two totally different places in the world.

if anyone has got the recent Heima dvd by Sigur Ros and watch the videos, you can easily see why. They were traveling in and around Iceland, playing to crowds from anywhere to a small room, to abandoned places, to livestock and to hundreds, thousands of people in vast open fields and hills, with campfires around. People were bringing their families, grandparents..small children. All to celebrate and participate in the spirit of music. It's really nice to see such an open community willing to embrace music that's free of any bounds and doesn't even need much commercialisation. It's a testament to the power of music.

Now the question begs, do we really need such a community to produce good music at all, or to 'make it big'?
i think you guys need to constrain the definition of making it. In general, icelandic musicians haven't made it in their own countries. Locals come out to see the shows, but the money isn't really there. It's only the overseas market, sales, gigs, etc, that propel them to the level that the music eventually makes it across to our shores.

For the sigur ros concerts, those in attendance, also include the aunties and uncles that are there for the free concert. That's an attitude that also happens for some of our own old fogeys, except that ours go "zi eh si simi lai eh?".

Let's face some facts, if the definition of making it is to play big festivals, and have million dollar album sales, all within the western world, then unfortunately that will never happen. Most westerners wouldn't give 2 hoots about another fall out boy clone, another stooges rehash, another keane concoction. The reason why iceland's musical exports work and ours don't is simply because they are white, and have a significant cultural difference from the rest of the majority of white folks. For whitey, it's a comfortable difference that plays to the need for cultural cachet while not being distant enough that their peers don't recognise the significance.

btw i've seen jj lin perform. The song wasn't bad at all. Not anywhere close to my taste, but a great musical performance nonetheless. I can see how his music can be appreciated by the chinese pop community.
whiteys always be keeping us down
i say is time for us to step up and show em what's what
ya dig? chyea
Aiyah, it's got nothing to do with skin colour or even looks (although image is important but image and looks are two different things).

Blacks have done well amongst the whites and there was Angun and Coco Lee.

RoRK gotch believe that the world loves music enough that if you gotch great music then the world donch care if you're black, white, green or purple. Or big, fat, short, tall pretty or ugly.
cultural relativism is a lovelovelovelovelove when we're a mix of many cultures combined with a soul destroying pragmatism. Just remember that to get to the multi platinum level, the audience has to relate to you, for you to embody the things that they want to be. Make a guess whether being asian vs anything else is going to be a plus point.

i heard that anggun's angle is that she's hooked up with the producer. hehe

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