Telecaster or LesPaul


New member
Well, I'm currently thinking of getting a new guitar.

I read up quite alot about the 2 differnet guitars mentioned in the topic.

My budget will be about $300-$400.

- Squier California Tele.
- TGM LesPaul Copy.

I mainly play rock music on a Samick greg benett stratocaster. Alot of Muse. For the past few weeks, I've been playing some songs by The Strokes too (For this, I usually use middle or neck pickups).

I'm currently interested in the Squier Tele. However, I did some searching on this section of the forum regarding telecasters. Some say that a telecaster is more for rock n roll and some blues. And also teles have like, a very treble sound kind. More highs.

Is it still possible to play some heavy music? I read up on changing pickups of a tele to get heavier sounds/higher output. Someone also recommended the SD Hot Rails.

I also like the design of a tele.

As for a les paul, I quite like the sustain of it. (Yeah, I know its a cheap copy and it wont sound as good as a Gibson or even an epiphone). Furthermore, les pauls are quite versatile guitars as far as I know (Dont execute me for making such a statement)

As for a semi hollow, I like the design. :$

Swapping pickups can change the sound and output of a guitar right? But in some threads, people say that...if its a cheap guitar, it wont have a nice feel and sound of a MIA Fender or a Gibson regardless of how expensive and good the pickups are due to the difference in wood etc.

So, any input on this guys? Les paul or a tele? I'm not looking for a guitar that can play everything from blues to rock to grunge to heavy metal to pop.

Something that can play heavy stuffs and also normal type of rock music.

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shouldn't believe all the hype about teles and blues and rock & roll. Its all a mental lock imo.
My tele sounds super fierce with a GT2. Its just a matter of pups and outputz and stuff like that. Do note that a tele can be quite uncomfy to play and palm mute with a strap low slung. but again , do try out as many teles as you can.

check this out.
to me, and this is strictly TO ME, dont go for a lespaul copy like TGM... i think the tele would be a better choice.
but for 400+, ibanezes are great guitars for that too..

that video rox. tt dude is my personal hero...
exactly! he makes me really feel inferior. but well i look more into his work then him, the player.
his recording equipment is real good too...
Some teles can do really heavy stuff, like Jim Root (Slipknot)'s tele... But its a custom with dual humbuckers... Not sure if Squier has it...
but I notice that John 5's teles have like humbuckers right?

i think im convinced now that a tele can also play heavy stuffs.
hey bro, IMO an LP would be better due to the shorter scale length and stuff. at least for me haha. you should try to get an epi LP at that price on the 2nd hand market instead of the TGM copies though. and looking at your musical preferences, i think the LP would seuit it better

but, i've always been gas-ing for a tele although though i have no funds : D

just my 0.0002cents hahhaa
alright guys, thanks for all the info.

dacrylic : thanks for the advise.

i'll try my friend's J Suzuki les paul and see if i like the feel.
yep... do remember to strap it on to test its weight, and in fact, some teles can be a bit on the heavy side too...
tele's CAN do heavy stuff, u dont need EMGs to do that. at most, swap to mini humbuckers, hotrails, vintage stack, cool rails etc.
(sub is so gonna post the pic of his death metal tele)
you will need a slightly hotter pickups should you go the tele route, esp with the vintage reissues ones like the cijs, or high gain = mush and woof.

we see that you have a certain liking for the tele- why are you hesitating then? a guitar to fulfill the listed needs above:


Hot Rails in tele? there's one in mine...
just get what u like man, cuz at the end of the day if you get soemthing on people's opinions, you might end up Changing your mind and Spending More Money in the End.
sub : Hmm, about the pacifica. my current samick strat has the same pickup configuration. so i think im more interested in the tele. anw, how much does the hot rails cost?

aznjt : thanks for the heads up man. i guess the best way to see which guitar i like is to try it then.

thanks everyone
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