Having A Home "Studio" (Jam Room) UPDATED 20th Jun


New member
Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you have a set-up of amps/drums/etc and jam at home? Please do share.

I do that with my own band, and with a pool of money collected from the members,I have recently converted my own room into a mini-jamming room. The equipment inside is very average, but yeah, its for our own practice use only, and gets us through.

Anyone know much about soundproofing? As I intend to try and minimise noise with a cheaper alternative than professional soundproofing.

Hopefully this thread can get stickied, if more information on home soundproofing options and home studio options can be shared!


20th June 2007- Updated Pictures of home project music room.
hahas..nice and big room u got!! sure rich man..lols...hmm...soundproof? change window to soundproof type...door to soundproof type..=D~ got 80% proof yet?

Get some curtains to hang on the walls to soak up the sound and volume. perhaps even add some foam behind the curtains and perhaps carpet the entire floor.

hanging a curtain over the door also works wonders too :wink:
thats real nice. your room decor/wood/wall makes it look cosy.

i'm thinking the main noise comes from your drumset. try to "lift it up" off ground. like on a stage to avoid rumbles/vibrations running through the floor? and yes , doors and windows and aircon. make sure no one smokes.
Yeah, i probably want to like pad the walls with something. Everytime we jam the walls have vibrations and the door outside vibrates also.
yea apart from heavy carpets around windows and doors...
you can also try to do sound partitions around your drums.
pad the walls with carpet and egg holders.

Please pad the floor too, unless downstairs no body or its on the first floor.

Not good looking but does the job well.

If you want better looking stuff,

beneath the carpet put sound proofing material that you can try looking for at ikea, not too expensive.

Then put the carpet on top. No need for egg cartons.
the most affordable soundproofing is - Control Your Volume

just lower the volume of your amps + pa and pad your drums/cymbals. practice for accuracy and arrangements. when ready, go to a $15 jam studio and play at louder level.

it is actually good training. if you can play soft and hear each other, you will have tuned your ears to play in any environment.
Play at low volumes is good practice, my band used to practice using 15W amps and no mics, weird but we did good.
Ok Dude. SoundProofin' Huh?
SoundProof Walls Cost Thousands.
For Good Ones Cost Almost Twice As Much.
And I Don't Think The Manufacturers Sell It For Private Use(maybe to thoose big companies then they would)

Or... This Other Method Is Not 100% Sound Proof But It Does Block Some Sound.

I Understand That Theres Carpets On U're Floor.
I Don't Noe If It Will Work But...
Cover The Whole Room(not just the floor, the walls and all) With Carpets.
The Normal Carpets U're Using May Do Find.
U Gotta Go Measure Abit First Larhs... Muz Move Out The Stuff And All.
Find A Way To Attach The Carpets To The Wall Or Get A Neighbour Whose Had Experience In This Kinda Shit.

Thats All I Gotta Say.
If U Make It Nicely, It'll Be Like What U See In Some Hotels With Fabric Covered Walls.
If Its Not Properly Made, U're Studio Would Look As Lame.

P.S - U May Need To Buy New Carpets And Cut Em To Fitting Size Of Your "studio".
EDIT : Oh Shiit, Sry I Didn't See Ya Guys Posting Abt The Carpets Already.

to make it look neat, you might have to drill holes in the walls to attach the carpet.

think about whether this is a long term solution or a short term one.
Gd point abt controlling ur volume, its the best thing u can do. Why bother spending money, when u can train ur ears and save it at the same time. I second james, do ur loud stuff at a studio.
just buy a electronic drum kit.

a nice mixer to plug the drums and guitars in, then line-out to everybody via headphones.

settle, nice quiet practice :P
Wahahah. He Scolded Me When He Didn't Even Read About The "other way"
Dude, My "cheaper alternative" Is Already Cheap.
Do U Even Noe What Is "Pro Soundproofing"?
Even G77's Rehearsal Studio Isn't SoundProof.
U Call Covering The Walls With Carpets "Pro Soundproofing"?
private estate. its just coincedence.

Anyway anyone know where to pick up sponge for putting on the walls n stuff?