Hi All. A Chinese Hard/Alternative Rock Band, which is doing original, and some cover versions, is currently looking for an intermediate drummer. When you are kin, do WhatsApp me, @90050192-Mr. Yeo. Thank you.
Hello! I am a 19 yr old vocalist from Singapore who is looking for a pop band that focuses on Mando and English and participates in live gigs and performances!
I am a member of a cappella group but am looking to develop my skills further and more seriously!
Also recently got IEMS for self practice and wanted to put it to good use as well! Haha Feel free to msg me at 84413285 or my tele handle at mxng_ee
Hi can i check with you if you're still looking for a band? Please reach me at 87504746 if you're still interested. Let's discuss more on whatsapp or something? Looking forward to hearing from you soon!