ZR Bridge not even!!


New member
Hi guys, I've just purchased an Ibanez S series with a ZR Bridge. I tried to change the strings of a heavier gauge and my bridge pointed to the neck. Not sure if what I've done was correct, but here's what I've done, since this is a ZR tremolo system, there is a knob at the back of the guitar which says spring tension. All I did was increase the tension and yes the bridge went down. However, I realised that the angle (action) of the bridge towards the 4, 5 and 6 strings was higher than the angle (action) of the brige towards the 3, 2 and 1 strings. Can anyone please advice me on what to do? As in should the bridge be levelled? I tried lowering the angle (action) of the bridge towards the 4, 5 and 6 string, but this causes fret buzz to my 4, 5 and 6 strings. Your help and advice is greatly appreciated, thank you for all your time.
hi there 8)

the problem you are facing is rather normal for floating bridges upon the change of string gauge. you did the right thing by adjusting the spring tension via the thumbwheel adjustment knob but considering you are having thicker gauges now, you should raise the action instead of lowering it, to prevent fret buzz.

pertaining to fret buzz, if it doesn't manifest itself through the amp, it's acceptable.
Thanks Sub for your advice! Oh and one more thing, do you think its a good idea and worth it to send my guitar for a proper set up? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with my guitar. Not that I know of any problem, though. Any place or anyone to recommend? Thanks truck loads!!
bring it to a tech for a look at. most of the time they'll let yo know if theres problems, but the look at is free. no harm yes?