Zeleny looking for a female vox


New member

Zeleny is looking for a female vox. We currently are a 4 piece band with a male vox singing for us but we'd like to add a female vox to join us and so the hunt begins. Not looking for backup singers but someone who can take the stage and front the band alone or together with our male vox. We're all in our 30s and we have a good mix of gender and race. Our forte are primarily rock and top 40s so we'd like to look for someone that can suit this genre. We also have some originals that we have or are in the midst of writing as part of our long term project.

Age or race doesn't matter to us as long as you're committed, can rock with us do give us a shout. The only thing that i have to state clearly is that because we're all working adults, and some of us are also studying in the evenings to further enhance our careers, timing has to be very flexible and you have to be able to jam late evenings as well sometimes.

So if you're able to commit, loves rock and have no issues with timing and would like to grow with us as a band, then hit me @ 92723391.