I always see people comparing Yoshiki with another drummer one. So this i write out 6 reason why not to (Excuse for my english)
1. Yoshiki has to spend his time on piano, writing lyrics and composing songs too. If he doesnt play others or doest practice much, i bet he will be better than Joey Jordison or can be as technicality as possible. Japanese are creative, Look at Akira Jimbo he sounds like having 8 hands.
2. Yoshiki love Piano MORE than drum. In his interviews in Korean in 2000. He was asked if he would choose Piano or Drums which would he choose. He say PIANO without hesitation.
3. Yoshiki's music doesnt need technicality at all. His drum beat require only stamina and hardwork. How many drummer out there can be compared to Yoshiki? Of courese there's is someone. But i didnt see much. Just compare Change Of Season's and Art Of Life drum beat (If yea really wanna compare Mike and Yoshiki lah).
4. Yoshiki has a great great showmanship, his drum solo more of an act and stamina show off rather then showing his technical. So people thought he cant do technical skill? Maybe Joey or Mike or Dave Weckl or Akira or Nicholas Barker can play for an hour without stop but just that they didnt show it before? Lol..
5. Yoshiki is more of a composer and classical pianist rather than a drummer. For that, if he play drum at that fast anyone would be impress.
6.YOSHIKI IS NOT COMMERCIAL drummer leh. He dont play drums for a living, having all this drum clinic worldwide.
7*. In 1980's for punkhead or spoilt brat kid (i mean yoshiki) that brought up in JAPAN only, having that kinda of English is kinda impressive. At that time i very sure ONLY YOSHIKI can write good english to compare to other punkhead, rockers who cant write them at all?
8. Yoshiki play drums more like venting an anger rather than playing? He play drum without technique at all, he just whack as hard as he can. Why he want to whack as hard as he can and lift up his hand up very high while without doing that he can get the same snare sound?
9. And yeah, Yoshiki is WEAK. He is a weak spoilt brat kid. He just playing off human limits. Ive seen his gig where he faint after playing a few songs.
This is all 6 reason that i can thought of on why dont ever compare Yoshiki with ANOTHER DRUMMER. No matter what Yoshiki still own them, there's alot to consider.
p/s: Can Mike Portnoy play Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu on piano? Yoshiki can play Fantasie Impromptu on piano as well as other insane classical piece and i think Yoshiki can play Overture 1928 too
