Yoshiki's new album

never got his Eternal melody..but i got his symphonic concert...with the tokyo phili orch.

realli not bad.

finally can hear a vocalist singing amethyst(however u spell tat)

3 vocalist.all female..quite impressive.
Eternal Melody II is Yoshiki solo classical album.

I prefer Eternal Melody I which Yoshiki di with george martin and london philharmonic orchestra in 1993.

And.. i got both EMII and I
by the way... i was just talking to an aquiantance drummer and i asked him if he knew Yoshiki.

Quote: "He is a damn good song-writer but he is one of the worst drummers technically."

and honestly... i am starting to see why his drumming is really just very simple and his vocabulary is pretty limited. Its all show... :?
Is it? I find him to be a very impressive showman as well as a drummer. Very comparable to Mike Portnoy and John Bonham(he's not as fast as the metal drummers but his style is awesome)
I always see people comparing Yoshiki with another drummer one. So this i write out 6 reason why not to (Excuse for my english)

1. Yoshiki has to spend his time on piano, writing lyrics and composing songs too. If he doesnt play others or doest practice much, i bet he will be better than Joey Jordison or can be as technicality as possible. Japanese are creative, Look at Akira Jimbo he sounds like having 8 hands.

2. Yoshiki love Piano MORE than drum. In his interviews in Korean in 2000. He was asked if he would choose Piano or Drums which would he choose. He say PIANO without hesitation.

3. Yoshiki's music doesnt need technicality at all. His drum beat require only stamina and hardwork. How many drummer out there can be compared to Yoshiki? Of courese there's is someone. But i didnt see much. Just compare Change Of Season's and Art Of Life drum beat (If yea really wanna compare Mike and Yoshiki lah).

4. Yoshiki has a great great showmanship, his drum solo more of an act and stamina show off rather then showing his technical. So people thought he cant do technical skill? Maybe Joey or Mike or Dave Weckl or Akira or Nicholas Barker can play for an hour without stop but just that they didnt show it before? Lol..

5. Yoshiki is more of a composer and classical pianist rather than a drummer. For that, if he play drum at that fast anyone would be impress.

6.YOSHIKI IS NOT COMMERCIAL drummer leh. He dont play drums for a living, having all this drum clinic worldwide.

7*. In 1980's for punkhead or spoilt brat kid (i mean yoshiki) that brought up in JAPAN only, having that kinda of English is kinda impressive. At that time i very sure ONLY YOSHIKI can write good english to compare to other punkhead, rockers who cant write them at all?

8. Yoshiki play drums more like venting an anger rather than playing? He play drum without technique at all, he just whack as hard as he can. Why he want to whack as hard as he can and lift up his hand up very high while without doing that he can get the same snare sound?

9. And yeah, Yoshiki is WEAK. He is a weak spoilt brat kid. He just playing off human limits. Ive seen his gig where he faint after playing a few songs.

This is all 6 reason that i can thought of on why dont ever compare Yoshiki with ANOTHER DRUMMER. No matter what Yoshiki still own them, there's alot to consider.

p/s: Can Mike Portnoy play Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu on piano? Yoshiki can play Fantasie Impromptu on piano as well as other insane classical piece and i think Yoshiki can play Overture 1928 too :p Lol...
sLapshock said:
I always see people comparing Yoshiki with another drummer one. So this i write out 6 reason why not to (Excuse for my english)

1. Yoshiki has to spend his time on piano, writing lyrics and composing songs too. If he doesnt play others or doest practice much, i bet he will be better than Joey Jordison or can be as technicality as possible. Japanese are creative, Look at Akira Jimbo he sounds like having 8 hands.

i have to disagree on this reason. basically, i ONLY know yoshiki is the drummer and pianist for the band X Japan. that's all i know about him. i've seen a few of his live clips. i don't find him amazing, on the drums that is. yes, yoshiki does spend time on his piano, writing lyrics and composing songs. if that's the reason behind his well to do drumming, then you are totally wrong. if you are comparing yoshiki with joey jordison, i'm going to prove you wrong.

joey does also spend time on his guitar, writing lyrics and composing song. in case if you don't know, he has a side project called murderdolls. he plays guitar in the band. he also spends his fair share of time writing songs for both slipknot and murderdolls.

no offence there though, just disagreeing on that particular phrase reason. as for others. i really don't get what you are typing. sory to say that
he seemed to give me the impression that he would do any music... juz to gain international fame... i was shocked to hear his collaboration wif roger taylor, then followed by some electronic music... 8O
stillwater said:
i was shocked to hear his collaboration wif roger taylor, then followed by some electronic music... 8O

eternal melody I is a project with george martin and london philharmonic orchestra.

yeah, he's a limelight craver and money minded person. the reason he is a millionaire is because he copyrighted all his song under his own record label rather then sony or atlantic records. so moeny keep on flowing?
hey hey hey...have u guys heard violet UK songs....
not metal..not ballads...

check out his song writing and piano man,,why focaus on his side talent ,drumming.?of cos hes not the best. wats the point of arguing. every one has their strengths and weaknessness. for yoshiki, his songwriting is quite impressive.

his new violet uk ...its not even a band..its a project...v
but totally yoshiki type songs..a bit trance-ballads...jazz..new age..

n im not toking about the collaboration with globe for he flop single "sieze the light".

some realli cool songs song by 3 new femal vocalists....screaming blue the new "blind dance", (no the 7-11 commercial version) and amethyest and an unamed songs.

this concert can be found in edonkey and i think jpopsuki.
heard it, got it ... and i dont like it. i am anti-violet uk. yoshiki shouldnt do this kidn of thing. he should stick with ballads and rock. anyway.. he says that he wanted to show his another side of composing.

i heard of a few songs.. i dont like it.. especially the "VOCALIZE" amethyst with OUT-OF-TUNE voice.

the violet uk is a long tiem project by yoshiki ... wanna release btu still havent release until tis september.
hes been doing rock/metal since 1989...being a classically trained pianist with strong foundations, i dun think he will, or shld stick to rock and ballads.

after all, he dun have to cather to the crowd(sadly, for true die hard X fans :( ).
or rather he can affordnot to cather to the crowd. heck, the guy buys a lambo for fun just becos "t.k 's being pestering me to drive the same car as him"

look at jordon rudess. his compostion range is very wide. after ten years of composing the same genre songs, the satisfaction kinda drops..musicians need to grow, and change.

yes he is better at rock and ballads, those are the songs that struck fan's hearts. but if u look ard, there are a lot of ledandary bands who change their style over the decades too, prob for the same reason, a composing and preforming musician needs to grow and experiment.look at deep purple and pink floyd.les they lose the fanbase over the years, but..

not being popular doesnt mean the band isnt good.
yeah this is very true. i agree. but if u asked me , i still think yoshiki should stick to his classical-rock and power ballads. he's better at that. by doing violet uk he wanted to show to the world that he's versatile.

anyway in violet uk, he still can change his style. if you hear x song often.. u will notice the kind of progression that he use in almost of the song both on drums and piano.

i hear nearly all yoshiki's song for X and his own solo prject (songs like final destination & foreign sand he did with roger taylor, ima wo dakishimeta with noa, eyes of venus with tetsuya komura, moment with saijo and many more) he got this KIND of progression that he cant change.

look at black diamond (KISS cover converted into classical by yoshiki). the piano got this kind of progression that u can hear in songs like crucify my love, tears and unfinished.

thats is the style that i like and for 5 years, everydya i hear X without getting bored.

and also, if u notice yoshiki's song always use A F and G for the chorus. ALMOST ALL. he tends to improvise it but using the same note everytime in X song.

and yoshiki composing song since late 70's not 1989. i think the first song yoshiki compose was I'LL KILL YOU.. it is one of the earliest song by X exist since 1982. (not the version that u most heard that was release in 1987) the early version sounds bad.
yoshiki was classically trained from young. if im not wrong, he was sick as a child so his mom bought him a drumset to make him exercise.

weird la.

eternal melody II is definately worth your money. i just bought it from hmv. please, if you don't listen to classical. dont criticise it.

and. you cannot compare to ballads and classical. its two different thing. if you dont listen to classical. no point buying it and listen.

slapshock : about ur one of first few posts... remember.. we're talking bout his drum playing.. not appropriate for you to go into "yoshiki can play piano.. mike cant.." :) all about drumming and being a drummer.. since yoshiki decides to show he can play drums.. he , like all other drummers should be considered drummers.. and judged by same criterias and whatnot.. mike is a drummer and he is good at what he does.. so he doesnt show on videos that he doesnt play.. are you assuming he cant play the piano? we all don't know. PLUS.. if you talk about song writing.. on all albums of dream theater.. who did most of the writing? john petrucci and MIKEPORTNOY.. jordan rudess comes into play on sfam and later.. so you cant say he's not a good writer.. boy oh boy.. songs in images and words.. meh lol..

but then again.. this is like comparing 2 different things.. in terms of band-wise? song-writing? but only comes into play when drumming is involved.. he COULD be compared.. likewise guitar players.. u can compare their fluency of a specific technique.. but not on the music they play..

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