Yamaha Motif 6 $450/- with padded soft case, X stand,sustain pedal n foldable piano seat.
LettiNg go as i'm intending to upgrade. Pic will be sent via whatsapp Good for those looking for a good workstation but on a budget. All working well and I've been using for my studio works. This is a workstation and its heavy and I wont recommend lugging it around. Google for specs. Great for recording purposes in your home-studio. 93929493 to view and deal.
LettiNg go as i'm intending to upgrade. Pic will be sent via whatsapp Good for those looking for a good workstation but on a budget. All working well and I've been using for my studio works. This is a workstation and its heavy and I wont recommend lugging it around. Google for specs. Great for recording purposes in your home-studio. 93929493 to view and deal.