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Hey i was wondering how to get the exact sound of Hyde's guit in X-Japan's Tears..I'm trying to finish the solo but somehow I can't nail the sound, & I'm using a Boss compression sustainer with an Ibanez Tubescreamer
OT here, MAN, you want his exact tone and you can't even spell his name and pronounce it correctly.

X Japan guitarist is HIDE, HEE DEH, not HYDE from larc en ciel!
Jeremyrozario told me his solos sounded as if he was using a harmoniser pedal which I could agree upon.

Pitch shifter pedal.

What key he uses in the pedal to harmonise with the key of the solo , I don't know....
Usually Pata harmonizes with Hide on the solos, I'm not sure if there are songs where Hide uses a harmonizer pedal.

I suppose a harmonizer pedal would do the trick if that's what you want. For starters, Pata probably harmonized in 3rds or 5ths.

If you don't know what harmonization is, google it. It's a music concept.