Wts Xbox360 games, dvd's, blu rays and a brand new not used samsung galaxy ace


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    Reposting , WTS XBOX 360 games, Blu Ray's, DVD's and A samsung Galaxy Ace[/h]

    Samsung Galaxy Ace- Not even used, opened to check contents in the box and comes with a warranty. Selling at $299 and retails at $448. Just got it 1 week ago and if purchased will give a free Guitar strap and a set of Dunlop acoustic strings. Regarding the Ace give me a text at 97808883

    X box games

    1) Fight night champion- $20
    2) Star wars force unleashed- $10
    3) Star wars force unleashed 2- $15
    4) Medal Of honor- $10
    5) Madden 2011- $15
    6) End War- $10
    7) Bourne Conspiracy- $10
    8) Command and Conquer 3- $15
    9) Command and Conquer 3 Kane's wrath- $15
    10) Stranglehold- $10
    11) Kinect adventures- $20
    12) Kinect Fit- $20
    13) Batman Arkum Asylum- $25
    14) Mafia 2- $20
    15) Top spin 3- $15
    16) Ufc 2010- $15
    17) The incredible Hulk- $10

    Other games not listed as previous have been sold

    Blu Ray's

    1) Casino- $15
    2) Man on Fire- $15
    3) The complete Shrek set in blu ray (4movies)- $20
    4) August Rush-$15
    5) Equilibrium-$15
    6) The Contract- $15
    7) Step Up 3d- $30

    Dvd's for 5 (Free if spent more than 40)

    1) taking Pelham 123
    2) Eagle eye
    3) Cop out
    4) Death race
    5) The proposal
    6) The expandables (NFS)
    7) terminator salvation
    8) Percy jackson
    9) surrogates
    10) Duplicity
    11) Assault on precinct 13 (NFS)
    12) The losers

    DVD's For 10 (Free if 65 dollars or more spent)

    1) Source Code
    2) Star Trek
    3) Inglorious Basterds
    4) Kings Speech
    5) Munich
    6) Fast and Furious 4

    If interested give a text to 97808883. Thanks !!!



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