New member
looking to sell or trade this lovely guitar with very nice specs.
- jim rolph p90s
- real 1950'a bumble bee caps
- brazilian rosewood fretboard
- comes with original hardcase
- comes with fret ends binding unlike regular tokai
- made in japan
interested to trade for fender stratocasters. japan or US (top up either way)
selling for 1700 , trade value at 1800
sms or watsap me at 98595729
- jim rolph p90s
- real 1950'a bumble bee caps
- brazilian rosewood fretboard
- comes with original hardcase
- comes with fret ends binding unlike regular tokai
- made in japan
interested to trade for fender stratocasters. japan or US (top up either way)
selling for 1700 , trade value at 1800
sms or watsap me at 98595729