WTS/WTT some pedals (MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe, Tube MP, Twosome, etc)


New member

custom sparkly white twosome (condition 10/10) -$450, velcroed, comes with box.
MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe (Condition 10/10)- $160, velcroed, comes with box.
Farndurk Compressor (Condition 8/10) $200, velcroed, no box.
Catalinbread Formula no.5 (Condition 9/10) - $135, velcroed, no box.
T-rex Tonebug Reverb (Condition 9.5/10)-$180, velcroed, no box.
Behringer Vintage Tube Overdrive with real tube inside (Condition 5/10) - $50, with box. as-is (bought it from ebenex second-hand, don't like the sound)

(6x) upgraded Art Tube MP with new tubes, $100 each. Have upgraded the tubes in each Art Tube MP from the stock chinese tube, so it sounds better. Some with Mullards, JJ, Sovtek. Contact me for more details.

willing to trade for an eventide modfactor, line6 pod hd, pt2...

contact me at 9o28 9314 to deal.
revised prices if you deal within this week:

white twosome $425
formula no.5 $120
tonebug $150

also open to trades.