WTS: Toadworks Mr. Ed & Modtone Phaser


New member
WTS: Toadworks Mr. Ed Distortion, Made in the USA

A nice sounding distortion pedal. Best sound comes when the pedal is stacked with another overdrive unit (TS9 or the sort) or coupled with the amplifier's natural overdrive channel.

Condition: 9/10 (complete with box & manual, bottom part is velcroed)

Price: $100

WTS: Modtone Atomic Phaser - a nice, bright sounding phaser pedal

Condition: 9/10 (no box, no manual, no velcro)

Price: $60

Buy both together, $15 discount for you!

I can't seem to upload pictures here, but if you want I can email it to you.

Contact: Boyle 81084547

Deal Time & Venue: Bishan or West (Clementi/NUS) area after 6.30pm.
