WTS: TC NR1 Nova Reverb BNIB

Loh Yi Min

New member
hey y'all, up for grabs is this sweet box.

BNIB. Looking for a fast deal. $240 obo

SMS only: Nine 6 Nine 5 eighteen fifty

Deal east/central area.



Classic Revolution
All the classic TC Electronic Reverbs are represented in Nova reverb, including the stunningly realistic TC Classic Hall. Combine the 6 reverb types with a slew of advanced features, and it's clear to see why Nova Reverb has all the makings of a revolutionary product.

5 studio quality digital stereo reverb types
Two switchable settings: manual and preset
DynaMix™ - dynamic ducking reverb
Rocking Reverbs
With everything from rooms, springs, halls, plates and some specials in between at your disposal, the search for reverb tones end with one pedal, no matter your taste or needs.

Manual or Preset Mode
Whether you want the programmability or presets or the spontaneous creativity of manual modes, Nova reverb fully supports either way.

Goodbye Muddy Sounds
DynaMix™acts as a dynamic ducking effect that turns down the reverb while you're playing and turns it back up again when you're not playing - great for when using long reverbs since DynaMix keeps the sounds focused and sharp.

Backstage Pass - All Access
There’s tons of options but nothing intimidating about Nova Reverb - in fact its amazing what radical sounds you can create with controls that are so straightforward.