WTS:TC Helicon-VoiceTone™ Synth(HardTune™ & Vocoder-in-a-Pedal) Quick Sale!


New member
wanting to sell VoiceTone™ Synth @ $400.00

Item with:
*soft case

It's new, works well for synth/dance music & dj's..

Buy Date: Mid 2011
Condition: 10/10

*pls self collect in tamp.
*contact:zee@96544331, thx
That leads you to the exact product link. There is only one version of the hardware, with 2 major revisions of the firmware. There is no other TC Helicon product that can be confused with the Voicetone™ Synth HardTune™ & Vocoder-in-a-Pedal.

No insult intended, I am just a lowly self-taught web dev, which means I can't Google as well as you.
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