I'm selling a set of SD '59 neck with JB bridge. Well-used so the covers have aged nicely. 4-conductor with long leads. Comes with screws and springs.
Prefer to sell this at a set asking $120 neg. If interested, drop me a PM or email me at namakadavid at gmail dot com.
Pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/namakadavid/sets/72157643740247704/
I'm selling a set of SD '59 neck with JB bridge. Well-used so the covers have aged nicely. 4-conductor with long leads. Comes with screws and springs.
Prefer to sell this at a set asking $120 neg. If interested, drop me a PM or email me at namakadavid at gmail dot com.
Pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/namakadavid/sets/72157643740247704/