WTS - Rocktron Velocity 100 (Rackmount Guitar Power Amp)


New member
Letting go the Rocktron Velocity 100 .
About 3 months old. Changed to 240V, so no need transformer.
Seldom used, never full blast and never left house.

Designed specifically for guitar amplification , 2 channels (but just single channel usage alone is fine), perfect for modellers like POD HD, Eleven Rack , AXE FX etc to match up with a cab.

Note it is a brand new imported unit, but the volume knob has someone limited usefull range (very soft to all the way loudness), but it does not affect the performance at all, you just have to control your volume from your modellers instead. Already checked with Rocktron Tech support, that's what they claim as being normal.

Looking at S$380.
sms /whatsapps 96858324.