WTS: Red Witch Grace Compressor Guitar Effects Pedal $130


A simple compressor that will bring grace to your sound.

"Grace was in all her steps, Heav'n in her Eye, In every gesture dignity and love" - Milton. If you've looked all your life for a truly beautiful, simple compressor your search is over. From subtle to bold, soft to firm, Grace delivers gloriously.

Seven years in conception and finally realized in 2011, Grace's siblings: the Seven Sisters, are a revolutionary new concept in the realm of guitar effects pedals. The world's first rechargeable guitar pedals - the Sisters feature a Lithium Ion cell (like that found in your cell phone or digital camera) and internal charging circuitry. Simply connect Grace to a regular guitar pedal power supply, charge her for four hours and Voila! 120 hours of actual use!

Two simple controls allow access to a myriad of squishy, compressed goodness - Volume controls...the Volume! Comp controls...the Compression!

The tiny sisters have the Worlds smallest pedal board foot print - simply meaning they take up less space on a guitarists pedal board than any other available battery powered pedal.

Finally, the Sisters offer professional level features at an entry level price - putting all the goodies within the reach of any players budget.

Simple and easy to use
Musical and delicate tone
Rechargeable Lithium Ion cell
120 Hours of use per four hour charge

With box/manual. 9.5/10 condition. Only home used less than 5times.
sms 9092 9092 for fast deal.